[pasmembers] Ads in our newsletter

  • From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: PAS Members ListServ <pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 14:48:16 -0700

Good afternoon PAS Members,

Several of you have mentioned having in your possession, astronomy
equipment you just don't use any more and would like to sell off.
Write an ad, take a photo, get it to me, let's get it in the newsletter.
Christmas time is the best time to sell but it is also good to sell when
there are a lot of planets in the sky to see... and right now, there are
several items in the sky worth having a telescope for.
So, get those ads compiled and sent to me.

I can do the formatting, i can make the PDF, all you need to do is send a
description of the item for sale, include your contact info so people can
reach you by phone, or email, and a photo or 2 if you want to show the item.

I have sold a lot of things for people, making the ads the way i do, and
with photos. So, get that done and to me, and we will run the ad for as
long as it takes.

Plus, i will post it in the For Sale section of the site, and out in an
email to the 450+ astronomy lovers in Arizona who are on my contact list
for Free Public Astronomy Events hosted by PAS.

Have a super day.
Let's get those ads ready for the September issue.
Deadline is Aug 15.

Terri, Event Coordinator

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
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  • » [pasmembers] Ads in our newsletter - Terri