[pasannounce] Weather updates needed for Thursday Solar at Bookmans

  • From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Terri Finch <events@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 13:09:52 -0700

Good afternoon PAS Members,

We have a few events coming up in our schedule for which a weather report
would be very handy.

Weather Watchers: *June 19 1pm to 3pm* at Bookmans 19th Ave and Northern in
Phoenix... need to know what the weather will be like. I'm concerned about
the winds and clouds. What do you see? Are we good to go?

Other events of interest coming up soon:

Movie Night at Eric's on *June 21* for Members only. *$1/attendee donation *

Messier Object & Telescope Training Session at Mike's for Members only on *June
28* with a potluck at 6pm.
Please *bring a main dish* to share *and a drink* to share, *no alcohol* at
these events. If you plan to enjoy alcohol while there, keep it as Your
drink only. Alcohol affects your ability to see through the telescope
clearly, and accurately. We prefer not to have alcohol at these events.
Thank you.
If you are attending the potluck, please sign up in perfect potluck. The
link is in the private calendar. *$2/attendee donation *requested.

Mike's Fireworks party on *July 3*, open to the public. We will be
celebrating William Finch's birthday which falls on July 5th. Anyone
wanting to bring a cake or cupcakes, is welcome to do so. We are looking
for a few people to provide ice cream or popsicles for viewing the
fireworks. The potluck is at 6:30, and we are doing a star party after the
fireworks. No alcohol please. Bring a main dish and drink to share, and
sign up in perfect potluck, please. Try not to duplicate what someone else
is bringing to the potluck. If you can't provide a main dish, then bring a
side dish to share. *$1/attendee donation* requested.

Rule of thumb for the potluck... count the number in your party. Plan the
food you bring to be 1 more person worth than the size of your party. And
plan it so that, if you were eating only what you brought to the potluck,
it would be enough to have as a main dinner. Example: Bring a casserole....
There are 2 in your party, so you need enough food in that casserole dish
to feed 3 people as if that is all they are having for dinner that night.
Extra is always welcome. Or you could bring a smaller main dish and provide
a side dish with it. Some of our members have been stopping at a chicken
place, picking up chicken and a some sides to go with it and that's great.
Works well for the group. let's not have a lack of food at our potlucks.
And remember, bringing dessert is NOT  a main dish. Some of us are
diabetic, and with the lack of food to eat at the potluck that is
acceptable by a diabetic diet, it is hard to eat well. Let's make these
potlucks memorable, good tasting and healthy for all.
Another rule of thumb, if you don't bring food, don't eat any. Let those
who brought food to the event, eat first.

There is a SFA Sig meeting on *July 10*. We are looking to expand this
group. Anyone interested needs to get in touch with Alfred. His contact
info is in the private calendar link.

*July 12* is Mike's Lecture #2. Potluck is at 5:30. Again, sign up in
perfect potluck, no alcohol please. *$1/attendee donation* requested.

*July 13* is the next Bookmans Telescope Workshop. Watch the public forums
for updates on attendees.

And to finish out July, we have *July 26* which is Lecture #3 by Mike.
Potluck at 5:30pm. Sign up for the potluck. *$1/attendee donation*

Then in August we have *Aug 9*, Public Lecture #4 at Mike's. *$1/attendee
donation* requested.

Bookmans Telescope Workshop on *Aug 10*.

And the last lecture in Mike's Summer Lecture Series, #5 on *Aug 23*.
donation* requested.

RSVP is required for most of these events. Please be sure to use the
Calendar and RSVP your attendance so we know who is planning to attend.
Some events have limited attendance, such as Eric's movie night has a limit
of 12 in attendance. Once the limit is met, we cut of having extras attend.
So, be sure to RSVP early to attend.

If an event is marked at PAS Members only, that includes everyone in your
immediate household but not friends or family living outside your

All of Mike's events listed in this email are PUBLIC events. Invite anyone
and everyone you know. Make sure if they plan to attend the potluck, they
provide food and if they are only coming for the lecture, bringing drinks
to share (no alcohol) would be a nice gesture.

Also remember, Mike's events are being held for YOUR Fun! Please donate to
Mike a minimum of $1 per attending person in your party, to Mike's paper
fund. Mike is unemployed, and so you are donating to allow Mike to continue
to have these events, and have toilet paper available at his events, as an
example. We all donate $1 per person, every event we do at Mike's, except
for the private Telescope Training Sessions in which we ask for $2 per
attending telescope. So, if, for example, William brought his cope but
Terri didn't, on one of these nights, it would be a request for a donation
of $2 for Williams scope to attend this event. That usually covers
additional people attending. But all other events at Mike's are
$1/attendee. And it is very much appreciated so that we can continue to use
Mike's location with its awesome dark skies.

Thank you all for joining us at these awesome events.
Terri, Event Coordinator


Reminder, this is a No Reply list. If you reply, it only comes back to me.

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
Visit the P.A.S. Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/PhoenixAstronomicalSociety> Page & My Facebook
<http://www.facebook.com/people/Terri-Finch/1021922600> Page
Visit my Music Page:  <http://betterfly.com/pro/musicbyterri>Private Music
Instructor <http://betterfly.com/pro/musicbyterri> & Music Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Music-Lessons-by-Terri/170920862925772> Page

Other related posts:

  • » [pasannounce] Weather updates needed for Thursday Solar at Bookmans - Terri