[pandaro] Re: Firefox on PandaRo

  • From: tennant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tennant Stuart)
  • To: pandaro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 03:02:22 +0100

On Mon 30 Jun 2014 (09:23:29 +0100), Chris/CJE Micros wrote:
>On Sat 28 Jun, Tennant Stuart wrote:
>> I've recently downloaded the Firefox browser as
>firefox_2/0/0/20-1/zip, and
>> successfully (I assume) installed it using the latest version of
>> But when I click on the !Firefox filer icon absolutely nothing
>happens, it just
>> sits there, not even placing an icon on the icon bar. What am I doing
>Very few people have got !FireFox working on any RISC OS platform IIRC
>was a beta release that has had no further work done on it. I didn't
>know it would work at all on anything later than the Iyonix, but I
>someone mentioning they did manage to use it on one site recently. I
>it was on a Pi or Panda.
>The problem is almost certainly not PandaRO specific. I'd suggest
>asking on
>the csa.networking the newsgroup as your best option.
>Try official NetSurf and also beta version.

I've got Netsurf going okay, it's far more reliable on the PandaRo than
a Risc PC, though a lot of that is due to not being on dialup.

But there are sone things Netsurf can't yet do, which Firefox can.

A friend reckons I have got Firefox working, it just doesn't look like it
due to its foible of not bothering with an icon on the icon bar. He says there
is a little prog somewhere that forces this to happen. Any ideas?

  _                       ________________________________________
 (  _    .|_ ||_  _ |_   / 
 _)(_)(_)||_)||_ ( )|_ /    Why does *he* get to use his name?
______________________/   tennant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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