[oxnatbees] Fwd: Next OxNatBees meeting: Sat 1st December

  • From: "Gilliane Sills" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "gillianesills" for DMARC)
  • To: "To: oxnatbees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oxnatbees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 16:45:20 +0000

Dear all

Just to confirm the meeting next Saturday 1st December at my house. The address is The Map House, Vernon Avenue, Oxford, OX2 9AU, phone 01865 721644 or 07854 761302.  The house is the last on the left at the end of Vernon Avenue and there's plenty of parking in the approach to the field outside - I recommend reversing up to park at an angle to the hedge boundary of our garden, so that you're facing the right direction for leaving when it might be dark.  The U1 bus is also an option, with the terminus at the Harcourt Hill campus of Brookes being less than ten minutes walk away - see attached map.

If you know you're coming, it would be helpful to know so I can look out enough cups/mugs for tea/coffee - but do come even without letting me know!  I have one TBH in the garden to which I've added cork insulation and some records showing the temperature variation in the hive (both above where I think the bees are and at the other end) compared with the outside temperature.  I also have a second TBH that I'm in the process of insulating - suggestions for improvement welcome!   I look forward to hearing other people's experiences with winter preparations - and anything else...

Best wishes


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        [oxnatbees] Next OxNatBees meeting: Sat 1st December
Date:   Tue, 25 Sep 2018 14:10:21 +0000
From: Paul Honigmann (Redacted sender paul.honigmann for DMARC) <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To:       oxnatbees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To:     oxnatbees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <oxnatbees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Gilliane has kindly offered to host the next meeting at her home in Harcourt Hill.

 * */Where: /*The Map House, Vernon Avenue, Oxford OX2 9AU (see
   attached map)
 * */When:/* 2PM, Sat 1st December
 * */What:/* General discussion particularly reviewing the last year
   and overwintering bees, and peering at her TBH. Feel free to bring

Attachment: Location of The Map House 3.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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