[otb] OTB Update 5-18-06

  • From: "victor" <victor@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: otb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 13:25:16 -0400

May 18, 2006

Dear Friends and Family in the Lord:

Well, Tim and Evan are in Nogales, Mexico.  They called from the airport in
Dallas on a layover on their way to Tucson.  They absolutely loved flying!  If
all went as planned, they and their team picked up two minivans at the airport
in Tucson, met their missionary hosts and drove to Nogales all on Monday
night.  We knew we wouldn?t be hearing much from them, and that?s one of the
hardest parts for me.  I?m so connected, always have been.

I have a wonderful advantage.  My Father is in communication with them all the
time.  I keep sending messages through Him: asking Him to encourage them to
get along well with each other so the Mexican people will see Jesus, asking
Him to give them hugs and love when they need a recharge, and asking Him to
give them good sleep on the floor of the church they are building.  I?m so
glad He is with them. We?ll update you on the kids as we hear anything.   

Vic, Nate and I are busy gearing up for summer, doing festivals on weekends,
and scheduling our fall and winter.  Nate is glad to be out of school.  There
are Lego all over the living room and paint supplies all over the dining room.
 He is on the porch setting off fire crackers.  In between the fun, he mows,
helps Vic and me, and today is the monumental ?cleaning of the room.?  

If you or your group could use us, or if you know of someone who could, please
let us know, and we will contact them, or give them our name.  Pray that God
puts us where we He can use us the rest of this year and on into next.  

God bless you all,


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  • » [otb] OTB Update 5-18-06