Re: trying to use sqlplus to do a build and making it dynamic

  • From: "Jack van Zanen" <jack@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ricks12345@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 10:15:13 +1000


something like this?

undefine s_next_script
set echo off
set termout off
column xyz NOPRINT NEW_VALUE s_next_script
select '<scriptname> ' ||<column_parameter>  as xyz from table
where <clause to make sure only 1 line>;
set termout on


On 05/06/2008, Rick Ricky <ricks12345@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I can do this with a shell or with any other programming language and call
> sqlplus. I am trying to do this with just sqlplus scripts. I have code to do
> a build where I create tables, users, etc... Some of these can have some
> differences between databases (such as tablespaces) and some other things.
> I would prefer not to have to do:
> prompt please enter tablespace name
> accept tablespace
> @mytablescripts &tablespace
> I would like to use some form of configuration table. Is there anyway to do
> the following.
> have a configuration table with data in it
> query it in a script and put it in a variable. (this is easily done with
> pl/sql)
> then pass that variable to a new script.
> I would need to query the data and put it in some form of sqlplus variable
> that I can pass to another sqlplus script.

J.A. van Zanen

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