Re: solved our "problem with views" flushing shared_pool and cache every hour, not binding problem

  • From: Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco <jcdrpllist@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Jonathan Lewis <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 09:23:23 -0400

Thank you Jonathan I'll check your suggestions, the problem was I had to
restart sometimes the server to solve the problem.
I was thinking to move to oracle linux, but some ofour customer in their
politics are prohibited to use linux.

2015-10-22 17:33 GMT-04:00 Jonathan Lewis <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

The indications from the flush / bounce pattern are that you have a memory
leak in the library cache / shared pool. The concept is that small
fragments of memory get "lost", and making it harder for the optimizer to
find large contiguous chunks. Flushing the shared pool initially clears
enough other stuff to make sufficient contiguous memory, but eventually
there are so many lost small fragments that flush everything else from the
pool still doesn't allow for a large enough free chunk. If something like
this is happening I think you might see some high version counts for some
SQL statements, and high parse time elapsed, lots of time and activity on
the dictionary cache and shared pool latches.

Jonathan Lewis
*From:* Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco [jcdrpllist@xxxxxxxxx]
*Sent:* 22 October 2015 16:38
*To:* Jonathan Lewis
*Subject:* solved our "problem with views" flushing shared_pool and cache
every hour, not binding problem

Hello Jonathan, thank you for commenting my mail, and everyone :), I
explain you a problem, because you enjoy them :).

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