Re: simple query

  • From: "Jared Still" <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lyallbarbour@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:04:16 -0700

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Lyall Barbour <lyallbarbour@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> wrote:

> Need a query that will get all the customers who have not ordered a certain
> item, ever.
> Have a ORDDETAIL table that links with ORDHEADER with an ORD_NBR column.
> In the ORDDETAIL table, it has a row for each item on the order.
> The ORDHEADER has the CUST_CD along with the ORD_NBR.
> I've tried
> SELECT a.cust_cd
> FROM ordheader a, orddetail b
> WHERE a.ord_nbr = b.ord_nbr
> AND   b.item_cd not in (<list of items>)
Get all possible orders

  select c.cust_cd. i.item_cd
  from customers c, items i

Now find what has actually been ordered by customers

  select c.cust_cd, i.item_cd
  from customers c, ordheader oh, orddetail od, items i
  where c.cust_cd = oh.cust_cd
  and od.ord_nbr = oh.ord_nbr
  and i.item_cd = od.item_cd

Subtracts orders from potential orders

  select c.cust_cd. i.item_cd
  from customers c, items i
  select c.cust_cd, i.item_cd
  from customers c, ordheader oh, orddetail od, items i
  where c.cust_cd = oh.cust_cd
  and od.ord_nbr = oh.ord_nbr
  and i.item_cd = od.item_cd

BTW, I don't recommend you run this particular bit of SQL, as it is
for instructional purposes only.  It may cause havoc in your database.

For a smallish data set this query is feasible, but it is  mostly just
used to illustrate what needs to be done.

By introducing a table with your list of items, the cartesian join
created by customers and items will become more limited

  select c.cust_cd. itc.item_cd
  from customers c, items_to_chk itc
  select c.cust_cd, i.item_cd
  from customers c, ordheader oh, orddetail od, items i
  where c.cust_cd = oh.cust_cd
  and od.ord_nbr = oh.ord_nbr
  and i.item_cd = od.item_cd

That's one simple way to do it.

Had you provided DDL and test data, I would have tested it. :)

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

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