connect as sysdba ora-1031

  • From: Fuad Arshad <fuadar@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 07:09:17 -0800 (PST)

We're having this issue  which started today and we cant get ot the bottom  of 
looged in as the oracle owner TWO_TASK is unset 
 SQL> connect sys@dbname  as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> connect / as sysdba
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.

now the user i'm using  is the oracle software owner
 password file is not corrupted  remote_login_password is also set to exclusive.
what steps can i take to further debug this. i"m thinking about  oradebug but 
then since i'm disconnected how would oradebug capture anything .
need some advice before i  brave the tar  and all the same questions  with 

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