Re: Why does a job loose its context?

  • From: "Ethan Post" <post.ethan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ganstadba@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 13:30:25 -0600

The issue would be that the application has over 300 large PLSQL
packages with at least 1,000,000+ lines of code. The exception
handlers exist in much of it but log the information through a
messaging API which is overwritting the original source of the error
with it's own location. Changing this is not so simple. The only trick
I have to tackle is to add one of my own instrumentation lines all
exception handlers.

On 3/2/06, Michael McMullen <ganstadba@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> How about removing
> exception
> when others then null
> from the code?
> --

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