Re: Watching the GC Watchmen

  • From: "Rich Jesse" <rjoralist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Oracle L" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 16:40:39 -0500 (CDT)

Hey Niall,

Yes, I see in the Notification Rules that GC can monitor jobs -- even
apparently RMAN ones, amazingly enough.  The major one-time problem I had
was that a DB's backup jobs mysteriously disappeared over one weekend night,
causing the log_archive_dest to fill, and well, you can guess what happened
when the online redo log switched one too many times after that.  At least
GC was nice enough to notify me that the dest had filled...

As far as OMS up/down, the Perl script I wrote looks at all log and trace
files in ORACLE_BASE.  It catches many (many many many) Java and other
errors that tell me that the OMS and/or Agent is having issues.  I know of
no other tool, GC included, that does that.  I've since toned it down to
avoid a Simpsonesque "Everything's OK Alarm" effect.  It still kindly goes
ballistic when the OMS goes down, mostly due to the Agent upload errors.

For the AQ issue, I had thought about a base AQ bug, but since I only
bounced the OMS to clear it, it seems more likely that's where the problem

Thanks for your feedback, Niall!  MUCH appreciated!  :)


p.s.  I'm moving all Unix/Linux RMAN jobs out of GC.  I just don't trust it...

> Hey rich. Most of what you describe GC will monitor itself.  OMS up
> down needs monitoring from outside. I've not seen the notification
> failure you describe though, does it relate to a base AQ bug
> perchance?


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