Re: Subquery partition pruning

  • From: amonte <ax.mount@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Greg Rahn <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 08:40:43 +0200

Hello Greg

Time Dimension is not used as often as Day Dimenion.

Time Dimension is used for reports such as looking for data in a hourly
frame for X days but not many users are using them. Most look for days.

Thank you

2010/4/5 Greg Rahn <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> It appears you are hitting a scenario that currently does not support
> multi-column (MC) partition elimination/pruning.
> For hash joins (HJ), MC pruning [via subquery or bloom pruning] can
> only take place if:
> 1) all partitioning columns participate in the join
> 2) partitioning columns not in the join have equality predicates on them
> The query provided in the OP has neither #1 or #2 (which is why the HJ
> plan performs poorly).
> The challenge I see with the current design and pruing behavior is
> that you can't (assuming the plan is HJ) get #1 if date and time are
> each a dimension table and it doesn't seem likely that #2 is common as
> it results in 1s granularity (assuming data is stored with seconds
> precision, not minutes, etc).  Is this otherwise a good design for the
> workload (it gets partition elimination, on most other queries w/o
> hints, etc)?  How frequently is the time dimension (TIME_EID) used for
> pruning inaddition to DATE_EID?
> If you were on 11g I would recommend LIST/RANGE for this table if it
> was desired to get pruning on both the date and time dimensions.
> On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 1:54 PM, amonte <ax.mount@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >    PARTITION "P_20100322_00"  VALUES LESS THAN (812, 3601)
> >  ...
> --
> Regards,
> Greg Rahn

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