Re: REDO LOG Concepts

  • From: rjsearle@xxxxxxxxx
  • To: darrell@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:30:24 +1000

I think a unix 'rm' merely drops the inode which points to the file.  it
doesn't lose the file for which LGRW has an open handle.  This is why to any
other process the file is 'deleted' cause unix can't find the file in the
file list but the kernel still has a open handle on the actual file
associated with the LGRW process.  When teh handle is closed, the file is


On 5/17/07, mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxx <darrell@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm suspecting that the current redo log was open and active until the
shutdown took place. The rm command simply "flagged" it for removal to the
It might be interesting to try your scenario again, but add in steps to
check the volume of space available / used on that file system before the
rm, after the rm and then again after the shutdown. If this theory holds you
won't see the space available from the removed redo log until after the

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