Re: Production performance issues

  • From: Sandra Becker <sbecker6925@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 11:16:49 -0600

Thanks for the information.  Support still hasn't responded.  Seems we have
a function based index on lower(supplier_eid), but it's a single column
index and when it is used, the cost skyrockets to more than 10 times what
it is currently.  Still looking into why that would be the case.  We do
have the option of creating a new index if we it will improve performance.
Prefer not to do that just yet.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Job Miller <jobmiller@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> support is likely going to ask that you use SQLT XTRACT to collect the
> details.
> it includes the plan with row source, all the object stats, and your
> various init.ora, the SQL Monitor report, etc..
> everything a tuner would need in one easy/quick place.
> The lower(this_.SUPPLIER_EID)=:1  is not a good practice, because it
> eliminates the possibility of an index unless you have a function based
> index on that expression or you have expression statistics.
> Job
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Sandra Becker <sbecker6925@xxxxxxxxx>
> *To:* oracle-l <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 30, 2014 12:12 PM
> *Subject:* Production performance issues
> Solaris 10
> Oracle EE
> Code in question written in Hibernate
> Apparently we have been having performance issues--from a customer
> perspective--in a production database for the past 3 or 4 months.  The DBA
> team wasn't informed until Friday last week.  There will be a new product
> going live tomorrow on the same database and the "powers that be" want the
> performance issues fixed yesterday.  We have identified one piece of code
> in particular that they are complaining about.  Running it through SQL
> tuning through EM did not produce any recommendations.  We were hoping
> someone smarter than use could see what might be done with the following
> query to improve performance.
> We will continue working this and other queries, reviewing indexes, etc.
> Have already opened a ticket with Oracle support, but no response yet.
> Thanks in advance.
> *select* this_.INVOICE_ID *as* INVOICE1_52_1_, this_.DIVISION_NAME *as*
> DIVISION2_52_1_, this_.DOC_ID *as* DOC3_52_1_, this_.INSERT_TS *as*
> INSERT4_52_1_, this_.INVOICE_STATE *as* INVOICE5_52_1_, this_.NOTES *as*
> NOTES52_1_, this_.ODAP_OWNER *as* ODAP7_52_1_, this_.ODAP_STATE *as*
> ODAP8_52_1_, this_.PARTITION_KEY *as* PARTITION9_52_1_, this_.PAYER_IDENT
> *as* PAYER10_52_1_, this_.PROVIDER_EID *as* PROVIDER11_52_1_,
> this_.STATUS *as* STATUS52_1_, this_.SUPPLIER_DIVISION_IDS *as*
> SUPPLIER13_52_1_, this_.SUPPLIER_EID *as* SUPPLIER14_52_1_,
> *as* TJVM16_52_1_, this_.TJVM_VERSION_CREATION_TS *as* TJVM17_52_1_,
> this_.*TYPE* *as* TYPE52_1_, this_.UPDATE_TS *as* UPDATE19_52_1_,
> this_.VENDOR_NAME *as* VENDOR20_52_1_, invoicehea2_.INVOICE_ID *as*
> INVOICE1_59_0_, invoicehea2_.ALT_INVOICE_NUM *as* ALT2_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.ASN_NUMBER *as* ASN3_59_0_, invoicehea2_.CURRENCY *as*
> CURRENCY59_0_, invoicehea2_.DISC_AMT *as* DISC5_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.DISC_PAYMENT_DUE_DATE *as* DISC6_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.DISC_PCT *as* DISC7_59_0_, invoicehea2_.FILE_GENERATED_DATE
> *as* FILE8_59_0_, invoicehea2_.GHX_ORDER_NUM *as* GHX9_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.INSERT_TS *as* INSERT10_59_0_, invoicehea2_.INVOICE_AMT *as*
> INVOICE11_59_0_, invoicehea2_.INVOICE_DATE *as* INVOICE12_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.INVOICE_NUM *as* INVOICE13_59_0_, invoicehea2_.INVOICE_TYPE
> *as* INVOICE14_59_0_, invoicehea2_.LATEST_MESSAGE *as* LATEST15_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.LINE_COUNT *as* LINE16_59_0_, invoicehea2_.NET_AMT_DUE *as*
> NET17_59_0_, invoicehea2_.ORDER_NUM *as* ORDER18_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.PAYMENT_DUE_DATE *as* PAYMENT19_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.PAYMENT_TERMS_NOTE *as* PAYMENT20_59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.SPECIAL_CHARGES *as* SPECIAL21_59_0_, invoicehea2_.TAX_TOTAL
> *as* TAX22_59_0_, invoicehea2_.TERMS *as* TERMS59_0_,
> invoicehea2_.UPDATE_TS *as* UPDATE24_59_0_
> *from* INVOICE this_ left outer *join* INVOICE_HEADER invoicehea2_ *on*
> this_.INVOICE_ID=invoicehea2_.INVOICE_ID
> *where* (lower(this_.SUPPLIER_EID)=:1 *and* this_.INVOICE_ID *in*
> (*select* this_.INVOICE_ID *as* y0_
> *from* INVOICE this_ inner *join* INVOICE_HEADER invoicehea1_ *on*
> this_.INVOICE_ID=invoicehea1_.INVOICE_ID
> *where* invoicehea1_.INVOICE_DATE>:2 )) *and* ((this_.INVOICE_ID *in*
> (*select* this_.INVOICE_ID *as* y0_
> *from* INVOICE this_)))
> *Execution plan*
> OBJECT_NAME               COST    card    KBYTES  TEMP_SPC
> ------- ---- ---------------------------------------- --------------------
> --------- ------- --------- ---------
> <Null>                  122016 <Null>  <Null>    <Null>
>       0    1   VIEW
> VM_NWVW_2               122016   21865    133240 <Null>
>       1    2     HASH UNIQUE
> <Null>                  122016   21865      6747   8356000
>       2    3       NESTED LOOPS OUTER
> <Null>                  121086   21865      6747 <Null>
>       3    4         NESTED LOOPS
>     <Null>                   77322   21860      4334 <Null>
>       4    5           INDEX FAST FULL SCAN
> INVOICE_HEADER_INVID     55318   21860       320 <Null>
>                                                       _INVDT
>       4    6           TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX R
> INVOICE                      2       1         0 <Null>
>       6    7             INDEX UNIQUE SCAN
> PK_INVOICE                   1       1 <Null>    <Null>
>       3    8         TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROW
> INVOICE_HEADER               2       1         0 <Null>
>       8    9           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN
> PK_INVOICE_HEADER            1       1 <Null>    <Null>
> *Indexes*UNIQUENES INDEX_NAME                           POS
> COLUMN_NAME                           CLF   TBL_ROWS  dist_keys
> --------- ----------------------------------- ----
> ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
> UNIQUE    PK_INVOICE                             1
> INVOICE_ID                        8001900   26444703   26646447
> UNIQUE    PK_INVOICE_HEADER                      1
> INVOICE_ID                        7530930   26450480   25824300
> INVOICE_ID                        7865133   26450480   26491680
> NONUNIQUE                                        2
> INVOICE_DATE                      7865133   26450480   26491680
> Sandy


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