RE: Password generator

  • From: "Knight, Jon" <jknight@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'DGoulet@xxxxxxxx'" <DGoulet@xxxxxxxx>, oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 15:09:18 -0600

  I don't have password function, per say, but here's a little text utility
that will help if you do have to write it yourself.  It's in a package
called jck_text, but you can change that to whatever.  I think I've included
all the dependencies.

Jon Knight

  con_tab            constant varchar2(1) := chr ( 9 );
  con_lf             constant varchar2(1) := chr ( 10 );
  con_cr             constant varchar2(1) := chr ( 13 );
  con_space          constant varchar2(1) := chr ( 32 );

  -- strip_chars  -- M#000
  --   Removes characters from p_text that are in the sets in p_flags
  --   p_flags is a single string containing a maximum of 4 charaters:
  --     "A" for Alpha characters
  --     "N" for Numeric characters
  --     "S" for Special characters
  --     "W" for Whitespace
  --   Example: strip_chars('(901) 371-8000','ASW') returns '9013718000'.
  function strip_chars (
    p_text             in     varchar2
   ,p_flags            in     varchar2
  ) return varchar2 is
    v_alpha                   boolean;
    v_numeric                 boolean;
    v_special                 boolean;
    v_whitespace              boolean;

    v_ret                     varchar2(32767);  -- M#006
    v_char                    varchar2(1);
    v_flags                   varchar2(4);
  begin  -- strip_chars
    v_flags      := upper ( substr ( p_flags ,1 ,4 ) );
    v_alpha      := ( instr ( v_flags ,'A' ) != 0 );
    v_numeric    := ( instr ( v_flags ,'N' ) != 0 );
    v_special    := ( instr ( v_flags ,'S' ) != 0 );
    v_whiteSpace := ( instr ( v_flags ,'W' ) != 0 );
    for v_ndx in 1..length ( p_text ) loop
      v_char := substr ( p_text ,v_ndx ,1 );
      -- M#006 Now passing v_char to functions to determine character class,
      --       instead of hard coded values.
      if ( v_alpha      and jck_text.is_alpha ( v_char ) ) then
        v_char := null;
      end if;
      if ( v_numeric    and jck_text.is_numeric ( v_char ) ) then
        v_char := null;
      end if;
      if ( v_special    and jck_text.is_special ( v_char ) ) then
        v_char := null;
      end if;
      if ( v_whitespace and jck_text.is_whitespace ( v_char ) ) then
        v_char := null;
      end if;
      v_ret := v_ret || v_char;
    end loop;
    return v_ret;
  end strip_chars;

  -- is_alpha  -- M#005
  function is_alpha (
    p_string           in     varchar2
  ) return boolean is
    v_ndx                     binary_integer := 0;
    v_len                     binary_integer := 0;
    v_ret                     boolean := false;
  begin  -- is_alpha
    v_len := length ( p_string );
    if ( v_len > 0 ) then
        v_ndx := v_ndx + 1;
        v_ret := instr (
                  ,substr ( p_string ,v_ndx ,1 )
                 ) != 0;
        exit when not v_ret;
        exit when v_ndx = v_len;
      end loop;
    end if;

    return v_ret;
    when others then
      return v_ret;
  end is_alpha;

  -- is_numeric  -- M#005
  function is_numeric (
    p_string           in     varchar2
  ) return boolean is
    v_ndx                     binary_integer := 0;
    v_len                     binary_integer := 0;
    v_ret                     boolean := false;
  begin  -- is_numeric
    v_len := length ( p_string );
    if ( v_len > 0 ) then
        v_ndx := v_ndx + 1;
        v_ret := instr (
                  ,substr ( p_string ,v_ndx ,1 )
                 ) != 0;
        exit when not v_ret;
        exit when v_ndx = v_len;
      end loop;
    end if;

    return v_ret;
    when others then
      return v_ret;
  end is_numeric;

  -- is_special  -- M#005
  function is_special (
    p_string           in     varchar2
  ) return boolean is
    v_ndx                     binary_integer := 0;
    v_len                     binary_integer := 0;
    v_ret                     boolean := false;
  begin  -- is_special
    v_len := length ( p_string );
    if ( v_len > 0 ) then
        v_ndx := v_ndx + 1;
        v_ret := instr (
                  ,substr ( p_string ,v_ndx ,1 )
                 ) != 0;
        exit when not v_ret;
        exit when v_ndx = v_len;
      end loop;
    end if;

    return v_ret;
    when others then
      return v_ret;
  end is_special;

  -- is_whitespace  -- M#005
  function is_whitespace (
    p_string           in     varchar2
  ) return boolean is
    v_ndx                     binary_integer := 0;
    v_len                     binary_integer := 0;
    v_ret                     boolean := false;
  begin  -- is_whitespace
    v_len := length ( p_string );
    if ( v_len > 0 ) then
        v_ndx := v_ndx + 1;
        v_ret := substr ( p_string ,v_ndx ,1 ) in (
        exit when not v_ret;
        exit when v_ndx = v_len;
      end loop;
    end if;

    return v_ret;
    when others then
      return v_ret;
  end is_whitespace;

 -----Original Message-----
From:   oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Goulet, Dick
Sent:   Monday, March 21, 2005 3:00 PM
To:     oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:        Password generator

Before I go off re-inventing the wheel, does anyone have a function,
procedure, package that can be stored in an Oracle database that will
create random passwords?  I need 8+ characters with at least two of the
following, numbers, capital letters, and special characters(commas,
periods, slashes, etc...)
Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA
Oracle Certified 8i DBA


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