Re: Oracle issue with Ultrasparc CPU's

  • From: "Zhu,Chao" <zhuchao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: paulastankus@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 17:53:51 -0700

Server downgrade with Identical storage could cause performance degrade too.
I have seen case, when we upgrade from 880 2900, storage not  changing, and
a simple full table scan time reduced to half.  It could due to just server
bus faster, CPU speed is same for 880 and 2900 I think, 2900 was dual core,
but my full scan job is not using parallel at all.
You are doing the downgrade actually.

On 7/18/06, Paula Stankus <paulastankus@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We have just gone from a Sun 6900 to a Sun 1280, from 8 CPU's to 4 CPU's with 1.5 (versus 1) Ghz processing power . They are called Ultrasparcs. We are running both Oracle 8.1.7 and Oracle 10. Performance has degraded and it looks to me that the bottlenecks are I/O. However, I am hearing a rumour that Oracle 8.1.7 does not take advantage of the Ultrasparcs.

Has anyone dealt with this issue and where is it documented?


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Zhu Chao

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