RE: How to select only columns having values..

  • From: "Ric Van Dyke" <ric.van.dyke@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Kim Berg Hansen" <kibeha@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 08:28:58 -0600

Don't use Excel.  J 


Seriously.  With all the functionality that is in the DB now there isn't
much need to export to excel like there used to be.  Analytics and the
Model clause really give you all you need that for the most part folks
used excel for. 


From: Kim Berg Hansen [mailto:kibeha@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 9:21 AM
To: Ric Van Dyke
Cc: Mark W. Farnham; mark.powell2@xxxxxx; oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: How to select only columns having values..


Hi, all


I know it's dangerous to guess at the grander picture rather than
getting it from the OP, but just for fun and the sake of argument,
here's a guess at a use case ;-)



Suppose there is no app? No local structure to load data into and parse


Suppose we are talking adhoc queries with some data analyst getting
requests for querying data and return an Excel file.

So the data analyst writes a query in SQL Developer or Toad or whatever
and then saves/exports the data grid to Excel.


Suppose said data analyst retrieves data from a 200 column
table/view/query and the enduser would not like him to return an Excel
file with 200 columns.

Instead he must return only non-null columns in the Excel file.


If said data analyst does not know beforehand which columns will be
non-null, he could select *, export everything to Excel, and then spend
a couple minutes deleting columns in Excel that are entirely empty.

If that adds a couple minutes work for every adhoc query he has to make
Excel files for his endusers, that could add up ;-)


Given such a scenario - what would be the alternative to dynamic SQL?






Kim Berg Hansen





On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Ric Van Dyke <ric.van.dyke@xxxxxxxxxx>

Roger that Mark.


But why do any of that?  Why not just read the entire row, really the
whole table, into some local structure in the app and parse thru looking
for what you need?  Now you hit the DB once and done.  No dynamic SQL no
hacking thru the DD, and one parse/execute/fetch(s) cycle.   Even using
a PL/SQL block that processes each row one at a time would likely take a
couple of seconds at worse. 


I agree that this part of the code shouldn't take minutes of time for
what appears to be a small amount of data.  Of course "above 1000
records" is vague enough to mean just about any number of rows, 1001?


We don't know the grander picture of all this so it's really hard to say
what is exactly the right solution.  I just don't see the need for such
complex SQL at this point.  


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