How to analyze a odd column distribution

  • From: Alfonso León <aleon68@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:32:32 -0500

Hello everyone:

I have a table where I have a date column with historic information in
the same table, if date = '31-dec-2999' then is actual record if the
date is different of 31-dec-2999 the is an historic record. Now there
are about 5 million records and half of them are historic so there are
2.5 million records with 31-dec-2999 and it is confusing the

Can anybody give me any suggestion to tell the optimizer this odd
distribution? I already try using histograms and didn't get a good
execution plan and I would not like to use hints.

Thanks in advance.
Alfonso Leon

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