FW: Call for Papers - OpenWorld (IOUG update to paper deadline) #C13DEN sleep deprivation relief (SOME OT content and a bit of advert, I hope you don't mind)

  • From: "Mark W. Farnham" <mwf@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'oracle-l-freelists'" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 18:41:38 -0400

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So, my friends, if you live between the Atlantic on the East and the Pacific
on the West (or anywhere really) join ME in being a paid IOUG member.


If you can get your corporation to sign up as some variety of corporate
member, become the IOUG champion at your company, because really, shouldn't
that person be on oracle-l?


And, as always, if you're running E-business Suite and your company fails to
join the OAUG, someone is certifiable (in the British sense.)


Where they give you a chance to cite your referral, write SOMETHING.


Thanks Carol. Most of us were scrambling to fight off sleep deprivation and
get submitted today!




From: IOUG - McGury, Carol [mailto:cmcgury@xxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 5:40 PM
To: Speakers@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Call for Papers - OpenWorld


Hello IOUG Speakers!  Hope you had safe travels back from COLLABORATE and as
always, thank you for your tremendous support, terrific presentations and
helping to continue to showcase IOUG's brand of delivering great education.
So now that COLLABORATE is closed, it's time for OpenWorld.


You likely heard about this through Oracle promotions, but reminding you
that the call for papers closes on Monday.  See below for the relevant links
if you are interested in submitting! We will be reviewing the process for
Sunday programming separately.  We wanted to remind you all about this again
if presenting at this event is of interest.


Here is the information related to the call:


Close for Call for Papers SF 2013:  OpenWorld ONLY - Monday morning:  April


http://www.oracle.com/openworld/index.html  - OpenWorld home page


http://www.oracle.com/openworld/call-for-papers/information/index.html  -
Call for Presentations Portal


*This says April 12 but it's really April 15th.just go to the links. 


Close for Call for Papers MySQL and JavaOne:  End of Day:  April 23, 2013.


*Please note..the websites will reflect the April 12 close --- but will be
updated over the weekend.




http://www.oracle.com/javaone/index.html - JavaOne Home page


http://www.oracle.com/javaone/call-for-papers/information/index.html -
JavaOne Call for Presentations portal


MySQL Connect


http://www.oracle.com/mysqlconnect/index.html - MySQL Connect home page


http://www.oracle.com/mysqlconnect/call-for-papers/information/index.html -
MySQL Connect Call for Presentations Portal



Carol McGury, MPS

Executive Director, Independent Oracle Users Group

330 N. Wabash,  Chicago, IL 60611

T: 312-673-5902 ; M: 708-837-0074 


Description: IOUG_20thAnniversary_LOGO (2)



Other related posts:

  • » FW: Call for Papers - OpenWorld (IOUG update to paper deadline) #C13DEN sleep deprivation relief (SOME OT content and a bit of advert, I hope you don't mind) - Mark W. Farnham