DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT/SQLTEXT View and Function I created

  • From: <Christopher.Taylor2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 19:08:33 -0600

Here are a couple of scripts (very rough probably - but hey, I'm proud of them).

The first is a pretty standard view - it limits the query time range to a 
specific window of 12am to 5am (because that is the period I most interested in 
1.      http://codepaste.net/2a9o83

The second script is a Pipelined function I wrote to use the above view but 
enabled to pass in a specific start time and end time interval.  This interval 
needs to encompass your AWR snapshot intervals.  So if your snapshot interval 
is one hour, then the start datetime/end datetime will need to be at least an 
hour apart.
2.      http://codepaste.net/pdcfo5

I thought these might be useful to someone besides me.  (Caveat:  The hints I 
used in the SQL may or may not be useful but seemed to give a bit of better 
performance overall though I didn't actually test whether that was true).

Chris Taylor
Oracle DBA
Parallon IT&S


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