Re: Copying Oracle software between Unix servers

  • From: Mark Bole <makbo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:39:45 -0800

Why only interested in the "bad" stories?  The concept of creating a 
Known Good "master" install (using OUI in the case of Oracle) and then 
pushing it out is a common, successful technique for many commercial 
software products, and can work out well for Oracle too.

The 10g version of OUI has a few new features that try to address this 
problem (maintaining known good multiple installs), but it still comes 
up short.

Here are a few hints:

1) don't use tar, use rsync -- this allows you to determine the parts 
that are copied identically and those that remain unique on each server. 
(Plus instead of copying each byte three times using tar, you only copy 
it once using rsync, and only the bytes that need to be copied, not all 
of them).

1-a) don't include the inventory in your copy (which is typically 
outside of the ORACLE_HOME anyway)

2) RAC is a special case, since you are installing the cluster, not an 
individual machine (in other words, there's not a "master" installation 
available to copy).

-Mark Bole

David Sharples wrote:

> yes you can really mess up the inventory and then you are unable to patch it
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:19:06 -0500, Luc Demanche <lucdemanche@xxxxxxxxx> 
> wrote:
> A friend of mine was telling me that in his shop, they don't install
> Oracle software by the Installer anymore.  They 'tar' one ORACLE_HOME
> from a unix server and copy it to the new server.  It seem to work
> properly.
>>Do you have some bad stories about that?


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