RE: Checkpoint locks

  • From: Tanel Poder <tanel.poder.003@xxxxxxx>
  • To: veeeraman@xxxxxxxxx, "'oracle_l'" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 21:04:08 +0800

Just one hypothesis:
As you didn't have TEMP tablespace, the SQL workareas for some user sessions
were allocated as temporary segments in SYSTEM tablespace. 
In this case whenever a workarea was released, its temporary segment was
dropped - which in turn caused an object checkpoint on the segment, which in
turn caused CKPT process to take the KO enqueue on that segment.
On the other hand you may have just hit some bug or issue with (parallel)
rollback of a transaction...

Tanel Poder <> 


 At this point I realized that I had forgotten to create tempfiles and did
it. Once temp files were created 
the app servers started and we were able to connect. This happened just
after we cloned our prod to test and when trying to app servers. Oracle

Would checkpoint process need any space for sorting? I thought its job was
to flush the buffers to the data files. 



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