Re: Building fact tables in a data warehouse

  • From: Yechiel Adar <adar666@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 19:04:39 +0200

This looks like a long process.
Have you consider using a primary key that contain the primary key fields + the fields that you need to go to the next table.
This way you will eliminate going to the table itself.

Adar Yechiel
Rechovot, Israel

Thomas Day wrote:
I'm just wondering if anyone has any insights on how to speed this up.
Our fact tables consist of the primary keys of the involved dimension tables plus numeric count columns. To build our fact table, let's call it Z (as I understand the process) we grab the primary key of the row in dimension A plus information which we can use to find the associated row in dimension B. We go to dimension B, grab the primary key plus information which allows us to find the associated row in dimension C, and so on through 8 dimension tables.

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