Re: Archivelog mysteries

  • From: "Bill Ferguson" <wbfergus@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Michael Haddon" <m.haddon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 10:55:09 -0600

Okay, the procedure finally finished and I've had a chance to compile some

Here's the breakout of my clob field lengths in 4k increments:
< 4000 - 7996
< 8000 - 173445
<12000 - 85245
<16000 - 25608
<20000 - 9192
<24000 - 2886
28000 - 598

Just using notepad to look at a couple of the old archive logs, I see the
xml that's getting inserted into my field. But, it also looks like the
archive logs are chopping it  into 4000 character chunks (though I haven't
counted), as there's several non-printable characters interspersed in the
XML at what look like set intervals.

-- Bill Ferguson

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