[optimal] Joe the Toe

  • From: Ethan Priel <prieleye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: optimal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 22:19:00 +0200

Dear Joe,

In all the years of you running Optimal so gracefully, never have you gone
through so many loops !

Thanks for  the wonderful invention of Optimal, and keeping it up and flying
all these years.

Get well quick, and it is about time you got some service around the house !

Happy holidays to you and Maria,


-----Original Message-----
From: optimal-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:optimal-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Joe Warnicki
Sent: 26 December, 2010 21:37
To: optimal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [optimal] Happy Holidays to all.

Happy Holidays to all.

I usually try to send an update about OPTIMAL on our anniversary which is
the last week of December.

We started OPTIMAL with about twenty members because that was all the
photographers we could find with email addresses. Yahoo and gmail were yet
to come. If you did not have a university account which was not easily
obtained, you might have had an AOL or Compuserve address. My first
Internet email address was jwar@xxxxxxxx and I still keep the jwar as my
company name. I actually had an earlier mail account using the ARPAnet
standard but who could I write to back in '82 :-).

Anyhow, I'm rambling and I do have a few points to make.

1. Thanks to everyone for staying with OPTIMAL through our changes. The
future will be brighter as we improve the system operations.

2. Good news, OPTIMAL may have an opportunity for a development grant to
buy a better information sharing solution. I can't go into any details as
yet but I would like your help in planning it. In the past I have used or
reviewed over 50 different mailing list solutions, ruling some out as
being too costly or difficult to administrate. Others did not have the
features we wanted. Over the years we have evolved through 6 or 8 software
solutions. Some had different or better features than others. The current
solution was picked more for expediency and price than for features. To
improve our feature set and compare and discuss what we want I now would
like to compile a list of features that would be important. I will
enumerate my ideas in a later message but I would like you to consider
ideas also. I'll provide more information as I learn more.

3. Another reminder to members trying to post, if you do not see your
message posted, it did not go through. I've occasionally seen people
(usually vendors) try to post from an email address that they did not join
from. i.e. You registered in OPTIMAL with your company email address and
are now trying to send a message with your private address. It will not
work, OPTIMAL thinks you are not a member. When I see this I try to notify
the user but I do not read all the non-delivery error messages. Let me
know if you are having any problems sending a message.

4. I will not be walking for awhile. Last week while Maria and I were
visiting the grandkids in Baltimore. I gracefully did a half toe loop
while walking in the parking lot, too bad my ankle continued to do a
triple! The ambulance crew was not impressed, but the ER was. Three breaks
requiring supplemental surgery, 9 pins, a plate, a cast and who knows what
else. No walking at all for 6-8 weeks.

Anyhow, be careful and have a great new year.


Joe Warnicki

Other related posts:

  • » [optimal] Joe the Toe - Ethan Priel