[opendtv] A multifunction DTV tuner and LCD panels lit by LEDs

  • From: Eory Frank-p22212 <Frank.Eory@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 10:21:36 -0700

>From: "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx> 
>To: "OpenDTV (E-mail)" <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 10:22:01 -0400
>I fail to see where I was "once again fooled," Frank.
>Or do you prefer to belong to the school that continues
>to claim that these solutions will "never happen"? Or
>perhaps I am still being deceived by test reports which
>show that 8-VSB can be received indoors with C/N ratios
>of less than 30 dB?

Perhaps I misinterpreted your enthusiasm about "a 4-function DTV tuner, for 
analog and
ATSC DTV as well as analog and cable digital TV, available essentially now" and 
your question, "I wonder how the ATSC portion compares with the LG unit." 

From what I read in the EE Times article you quoted, the only genuine bits of 
"news" are that (a) Toshiba is making DTV sets that have integrated digital 
cable & ATSC tuners/receivers/decoders, and (b) they're using Microtune's 
silicon RF tuners.

Is there some new technology here? Some improvement in either performance, 
level of integration or cost? There is no way to know for sure, but it doesn't 
look like it.

-- Frank
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