[openbeosnetteam] Re: Dial-Up task (fwd)

  • From: "Philippe Houdoin" <philippe.houdoin@xxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeosnetteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 17:12:31 GMT

[Forwarded here, has it may interest the whole team - I really hope it 
will!!! ;-)]

Hi Philippe
Thanks you.

The API is written in C++ and based on add-on modules. The modules 
and general connection settings are stored in a driver_settings 
which is passed to each interface.

I want to reach the following milestones:

#1 Being able to connect and transfer data (30% done, very big task)

libkppp.a (60% done (maybe more), big task)
It contains the api and the C++ client ppp interface implementation.
As soon as we get dynamic libs for drivers/modules it will be changed 
compile as such.

ppp_interface_manager (10% done, small-medium task)
This is the interface module for our netstack.
ppp_interface_manager wraps our network API to the C++ PPP API calls 
manages all interfaces (so that you get a ppp0/ppp1/etc. with ifconfig) 
destroys unneeded interfaces
The C++ interface communicates with this manager.

pppctl (0% done, small task)
This driver is an interface for userland applications. It allows to 
and query all interfaces and their add-on modules.

pppdial (0% done, small task)
This is the userland dialing application.
The user must create a file that conforms to the driver_settings 
pppdial parses this file and tells pppctl to create a new interface 
and add it (if needed) to the ppp_interface_manager (which then adds a 
ppp interface ifnet structure to the netstack).

pppoe (0% done, small task)
PPPoE protocol implementation.

serial_ppp (0% done, small-medium task)
Allow to connect with serial modems.

#2 GUI preflet (0% done, medium task)
The GUI preflet is add-on based and generates/parses a connection 
(in driver_settings syntax).
It also uses the ppp_interface_manager and PPPInterface (the ppp
implementation) query API to be notified when a connection is going up/
and (depending on the settings) shows a user-request dialog or an
information dialog that it is auto-dialing or nothing.

#3 PPP server implementation (0% done, small-medium task (as it is only 
modification of the client implementation))
Allows to use server interfaces that wait for an incoming connection.

#4 Additional protocols/modules (0% done, very very big task ;)
If I can get the devices:
* USB modem support
* others?
Add protocols like:
* additional authentication protocols (MS CHAP, etc.)
* MP - The Multilink Protocol allows to combine the bandwidth of many
devices for your internet connection.
* compression protocols
* encryption protocols
* others?
Maybe I will just port from existing implementations...

I hope this is enough information for you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Philippe Houdoin" <philippe.houdoin@xxxxxxx>
To: "Waldemar Kornewald" <wkornew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Dial-Up task

> Hi,
> could you please assign the Dial-Up task to wkornew (that is
> me)?


> Currently, I have no ToDo list written down, so it will
> follow later.

I've reset the completion percentage to 0, as I don't how
far you've done on your side...
If you can give me a more precise estimation, please do.


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"One thing they don't tell you about doing experimental physics is that
sometimes you must work under adverse conditions ... like a state of
sheer terror."
                -- W. K. Hartmann

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