[openbeosmediakit] Re: device driver

  • From: "Marcus Overhagen" <dos4gw@xxxxxx>
  • To: openbeosmediakit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2002 00:29:00 +0200

"Axel z^ <axeld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>They don't have to know which drivers are loaded, because the kernel 
>only loads drivers when you ask him to do that.
>And AFAICT the media node that's responsible for getting the audio 
>stream into the system, just opens the driver(s) available under /dev/
>audio/whatever, and agree on a format for the data stream using ioctls.

>It could also be that the old driver system required the data in a 
>specific format, I don't know.
The BeOS R3 style API (used with most drivers in BeOS R5) uses 44.1khz 16bit 
It initally had suport for other format, but that was droppped in R4.
Other APIs exist with different limitations.


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