[obol] the birds that are almost everywhere

  • From: "Paul Sullivan" <paultsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 13:05:54 -0700



Just for fun I occasionally sort my tally of species I've seen in Oregon's
36 counties to see which birds I've seen in nearly all of the counties.


Here's the list of species I've seen in 34 or 35 Oregon counties:


                                                            Missing county


Common Loon                                 Benton

Western Grebe                                 Grant

Gtr White-fronted Goose              Baker

Canvasback                                       Jackson

Common Goldeneye                       Polk

Hooded Merganser                         Grant

Northern Harrier                              Hood River

Merlin                                                Morrow

California Quail                                Lincoln

Long-billed Dowitcher                    Wheeler

Western Screech-Owl                     Baker

Vaux's Swift                                      Gilliam

Hairy Woodpecker                          Sherman

Olive-sided Flycatcher                    Wasco

Black-capped Chickadee                Lake

Brown Creeper                                 Gilliam

Varied Thrush                                   Malheur

American Pipit                                  Lincoln

Townsend's Warbler                       Wasco

Fox Sparrow                                     Wallowa

Lincoln's Sparrow                            Union

Evening Grosbeak                            Josephine

Horned Grebe                                   Columbia, Grant

Tundra Swan                                     Josephine, Hood River

House Wren                                      Lane, Coos

Pacific Wren                                     Gilliam, Malheur

Chipping Sparrow                            Lincoln, Coos

Golden-crowned Sparrow             Union, Baker

Bullock's Oriole                                Clatsop, Coos


Good birding, everyone,


Paul T. Sullivan

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  • » [obol] the birds that are almost everywhere - Paul Sullivan