[obol] Re: Song Finder

  • From: Linda Fink <linda@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOLINKS <OBOL@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 09:43:43 -0800

I've lost most of my hearing in my right ear, thanks to Meniere's Syndrome, so was excited to read about the Song Finder. However, after going to the site and listening to their demos with each of my ears, I found that my right ear can hear, barely, when they lower the tone the first setting, but not at all when they lower it farther. My left ear could hear all their examples just fine without lowering tones. However, their examples did not include the birds I'm having trouble hearing with either ear... Brown Creepers and Golden-crowned Kinglets. (I'm 72 and never played in a rock band, always wore ear protectors when driving tractors, pounding fence posts, etc.) So check out the website before you decide to buy.

Linda Fink, another birder who has to walk in circles to tell where the bird song is coming from

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  • » [obol] Re: Song Finder - Linda Fink