[obol] Sauvie Island Hawks

  • From: Philip Kline <pgkline_uk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oregon Listserve <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 15:58:49 -0800 (PST)

I spent a couple of hours this morning driving around the southern half of 
Sauvie Island looking for Rough-legged Hawks and enjoying the snowy scenery.  I 
came up empty, but found three interesting red-tails in the Reeder Road Dike 
area (aka Coon Point).  The first was an adult Harlan's that I initially 
mistook as a Rough-legged.  It was perched and partially obscured, but as I got 
closer I noticed it had a dark head and the whitish streaky area in front was 
confined to the upper chest.  It was all dark otherwise.  When it took off, I 
could see it's two-toned wings and upper tail quite clearly, which had broad 
white vertical streaks with narrower, diffuse, darker streaks mixed in ending 
in a dark terminal band. An adult intermediate (possibly rufous) morph red-tail 
was fairly close by, but more distant.  I could see it's red tail clearly in 
flight.  Finally, perched on a phone pole a couple hundred yards to the south 
was an immature
 intermediate/dark morph that had me confused for a while before I figured out 
what it was.  This bird was mostly dark brown, but heavily mottled with lighter 
spots all over.  I thought at first that it might be an immature 
Red-shouldered, but it had a yellow eye and the tail pattern was more typical 
of immature red-tailed (horizontal dark bars numerous and narrow).  Other than 
that, it was harriers, kestrels, and Bald Eagles, with a nice perched Peregrine 
and adult Cooper's Hawk mixed in.  A single Greater Scaup was on the Multnomah 
Channel (it spread its wings) with a Ruddy Duck and a handful of Common 
Mergansers.  A Red-tailed Hawk flushed a snipe from the edge of a cornfield 
along Oak Island Road.

Good birding,

Philip Kline 

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  • » [obol] Sauvie Island Hawks - Philip Kline