[obol] Re: REEDSPORT CBC--New Snowy Plover Oregon CBC record

  • From: DJ Lauten and KACastelein <deweysage@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 10:34:47 -0800


Very cool on the Snowy Plover count!    I did not realize that this count circle goes all the way up to Tahkenitch creek.    I assume when you say North Spit you mean the Tenmile Creek Spit? Did anyone check the south side of the spit, as there are birds on that side sometimes too.    We will be running winter plover surveys in about a week, and will be checking all these areas. This count circle actually hits the center of the main nesting and wintering areas of plovers, so not a surprise to me that you are breaking records, but it's pretty impressive for a county that doesn't really have all that much coastal miles.    Well done!

Dave Lauten

On 1/17/2018 9:50 PM, Matthew G Hunter wrote:

Hi Folks,
  I have belatedly finished my summary of the third Reedsport CBC, held December 27th, 2017. You can see the summary, photos, and numbers here:


Those of you that participated in the count: THANK-YOU VERY MUCH!!!, and please review the numbers and let me know if you see anything that needs correcting! Thank-you!

Matt Hunter

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