[obol] Linn Ash-throated Flyc, Linn and Marion Co stuff 5/26

  • From: Roy Gerig <roygerig@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 14:41:23 -0700

I took Tim Johnson to Belts and Gap Rd, a fairly intact upland prairie remnant 
south of Brownsville.  He wanted to see Grasshopper Sparrows, and I didn't feel 
like driving to Fern Ridge west of Eugene.  0700 until 0830 we walked the east 
end of Belts Rd and saw 4 GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS and 4 VESPER SPARROWS, 
conservatively (I'm not, but the numbers are), as well as good numbers of 
LAZULI BUNTINGS and many other birds, the joint was jumpin'.  Tim is submitting 
complete checklists on ebird, and he can add anything I forget.
Along Tub Run Rd nearby we had very good looks at an ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER 
exactly where, if my memory serves me well, one was reported some years ago (by 
Heyerly?  He also had a Brown Thrasher or some ridiculous thing near there 
around the same time).  And quite a few more LAZULI BUNTINGS.
North of Brownsville, the cemetery north of Sand Ridge School was swarming with 
people.  I, feeling disrespectful being there on Memorial Day with no family 
that I know of there, we did not bird it much.  We had 2 LAZBS in that area.
Manning Butte had at least one pair of WESTERN KINGBIRDS.  And more LAZBos.
Along Duckflat and Hunsaker Rds south of Turner in Marion County, we saw a 
BONAPARTE'S GULL and a WESTERN KINGBIRD.  There were a couple of LAZBos around 
there as well.
Roy Gerig, Salem OR


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  • » [obol] Linn Ash-throated Flyc, Linn and Marion Co stuff 5/26 - Roy Gerig