[obol] Jefferson county, north of Madras, Yes, Laplands, spot where Chuck had them.

  • From: jmeredit@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: Cobol <cobol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'obol' <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 16:33:39 -0800

Good day for car birding. Otherwise, it was unpleasant for people and birds today, with gusting wind and rain. Gray Partridge NOT seen, and that perhaps shows how clever they were to avoid being exposed. Despite good intel on where they have been seen lately, it didn't happen for us.
We did however have a fun morning with the large flock of Horned Larks including 2 or more LAPLAND LONGSPURS. They were at times on the road or close to the road in the vegetation. While on the snowfield it was pretty tough to identify birds but often they came back to the road or edge "to us". I did lay down some seed on the north side of Fir, right where the birds would land when they fed in the grain and roadside. The birds all flew up very often, probably because of a Sharp-shinned Hawk flying through the area periodically. Specific location, along Fir, west side of Hwy 26, half a mile west of Hwy 26. Hunters left as we arrived. Yay!
We could not find any Snow Geese but did have a CACKLING GOOSE with Canadas just off corner Dogwood and Cora. Thanks Howard.
Hundreds of blackbirds at the feedlot on Dogwood but nothing exciting. Low numbers of raptors, as others have noted.

This report was mailed for Judy Meredith by http://birdnotes.net
Canada Goose
1 Cackling Goose
Northern Pintail
California Quail
1 Bald Eagle
1 Northern Harrier
2 Sharp-shinned Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
2 Rough-legged Hawk
American Kestrel
Rock Dove
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Mourning Dove
Northern Flicker
Black-billed Magpie
Common Raven
Horned Lark
Townsend's Solitaire
American Robin
European Starling
White-crowned Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Red-winged Blackbird
3 Western Meadowlark
Brewer's Blackbird
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Total number of species seen: 28
Birders today, Sue Bertsch, Mike Golden, Howard Horvath and Judy Meredith. Good birding, jmeredit@xxxxxxxxxxx
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  • » [obol] Jefferson county, north of Madras, Yes, Laplands, spot where Chuck had them. - jmeredit