[obol] Fern Ridge: basic plumaged dowitcher

  • From: Jason A Wilder <Jason.Wilder@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 18:14:20 +0000

I'm a regular summer visitor to the Eugene area, and typically spend some time 
birding around Fern Ridge while here. This morning, 9 July, near the Royal Ave 
platform I found a fully basic-plumaged Dowitcher. I'm a little perplexed by 
this plumage at this time of year (although I admittedly have lots yet to learn 
about dowitchers!). It seems early for this to be a bird that has molted away 
from alternate plumage. Is it more likely to be a first-summer bird that never 
molted into alternate? The bird looks fairly long-billed, but is there any way 
to know definitively if this bird is of the Long-billed or Short-billed variety 
(it was silent, by the way)?

I have some poor digiscoped images here:

In general shorebird numbers were higher today than they were on my two 
previous visits since 4 July and included a few hundred Western and Least 
Sandpipers, ~25 Greater Yellowlegs, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, ~30 Long-billed 
Dowitchers, 1 American Avocet, 2 Black-necked Stilts, and 2 Wilson's 
Phalaropes. On the lake near the "Pelican Island" there was a pair of 
Canvasback, a Bonaparte's Gull and a Forster's Tern.

Jason Wilder
Flagstaff, AZ

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  • » [obol] Fern Ridge: basic plumaged dowitcher - Jason A Wilder