[obol] Fern Ridge (Royal Ave.) highlights (White-tailed Kite, chat, etc.)

  • From: Hendrik Herlyn <hhactitis@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 19:59:35 -0700 (PDT)

Hello folks,

For most of the morning, Pam Otley, Oscar Harper, Phil Henderson and I birded 
the Royal Ave. area at Fern Ridge (walked to the platform, then west toward 
"Tern Island;" due to time constraints we didn't make it all the way to the 
Barn Pond). The occasional rain squalls kept activity somewhat at bay, but we 
still ended up with a nice list of 69 species (albeit very few shorebirds). 
Some of our highlights included:

Four CACKLING GEESE (a lone bird on Pelican Island and 3 with a group of 
Canadas near Tern Island) seemed somewhat late stragglers. Duck diversity was 
way down, but we still had a few pairs of AMERICAN WIGEONS, NORTHERN PINTAILS 
and NORTHERN SHOVELERS (didn't see any diving ducks at all). 

A RING-NECKED PHEASANT was calling from N of the platform. Three
 AMERICAN BITTERNS surprised us by circling high over the parking area: later, 
we heard another one calling from a more expected reed bed. Aptly named Pelican 
Island hosted 13 resting WHITE PELICANS, along with a few RING-BILLED and 
CALIFORNIA GULLS. At least 18 BLACK TERNS mingled with the 100s of swallows 
over the platform pond, and about 35 CASPIAN TERNS were roosting on "Tern 

The only shorebirds we saw were a few KILLDEER, a couple of SPOTTED SANDPIPERS 

The rain really pushed the swallows down low, and I counted over 120 PURPLE 
MARTINS (80 perched in a single tree!), 500 CLIFF SWALLOWS and 200 TREE 
SWALLOWS, along with smaller numbers of VIOLET-GREENS and BARNS. However, 
despite our efforts we were unable to find any Rough-winged or Bank Swallows.

A WESTERN KINGBIRD looked decidedly unhappy as it tried to fend of a rain 
squall on the fence near the parking area (a few pics can be seen here: 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/22154335@N07/sets/72157633529922970/). Songbird 
activity was
 quite low, but we heard our FOY YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT, and a LAZULI BUNTING was 
singing near the rest rooms.

Our trip ended on a high note when Phil pointed out a hovering WHITE-TAILED 
KITE at the edge of the grass field NE of the parking area - this species has 
been rather hard to come by lately and was a year bird for all four of us!

Happy Birding!

Hendrik G. Herlyn
Corvallis, OR

"Nature is not a place to visit. It is home."
     -- Gary Snyder

Other related posts:

  • » [obol] Fern Ridge (Royal Ave.) highlights (White-tailed Kite, chat, etc.) - Hendrik Herlyn