[obol] Deschutes River State Park and FOY House Wren

  • From: Justin Rodecap <rodecapj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 00:13:40 +0000

All, Saturday morning I spent a beautiful morning on the Sherman Co. side of 
Deschutes River State Park hiking along the river trail to Gordon Canyon and 
then along the railroad grade and up to Ferry Springs before arriving back at 
the trailhead. There were lots of birds, expected and otherwise. In the willows 
close to the mouth were several Varied Thrushes and a single Mountain 
Chickadee. On the river were lots of Common Goldeneye and Bufflehead, a few 
Mallard pairs in the shallows. Mixed in with a small group of Common Mergansers 
on the rocks upriver was a single female Hooded Merganser. It would seem that 
nearly all of the wintering Barrow's Goldeneye have moved on as I only saw a 
single male. In front of the sandbar next to the campground a Pied Billed Grebe 
was skulking near some geese. In the trees and brush along the river were 
numerous Golden Crowned Sparrows, Juncos, Towhees and Song Sparrowsalong with a 
few Fox and Lincolns Sparrows. Along with the sparrows, R.C. Kinglets, Bewick's 
Wrens, Bushtits, Black Capped Chickadees, N. Flickers, Scrub Jays and a few 
Downey Woodpeckers were present. The alder catkins were full of American 
Goldfinches and Pine Siskin. There were numerous pairs of Canyon Wrens on the 
boulders and cliffs above the river. Most isolated small trees in the bouldery 
areas held a Hermit Thrush.  The trail to Ferry Spring held a small band of 
Chukar, a pair of Rock Wrens, a Rough-Legged Hawk, Meadowlarks and a couple of 
Brewers Blackbirds along with several Magpies. Probably the best bird of the 
morning was an extremely early House Wren in the brush and trees close to 
Gordon Canyon. I don't remember ever seeing one at the Deschutes until at least 
the first week of April.  On a non birding note, in some of the rocky cliff 
areas Balsam Root was already in bloom along with Desert Parsley. Western Fence 
Lizards were active on the rocks. Along the river trail were numerous Mourning 
Cloak Butterflies. The trail to Ferry Springs had Gold Star, Prairie Star and 
what looked like an early blooming Phlox species. There was a Coyote close to 
the spring. All in all, a lovely morning!  Happy Birding!Justin Rodecap         

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  • » [obol] Deschutes River State Park and FOY House Wren - Justin Rodecap