[obol] Re: Coos...that bird that got away.....

  • From: Scott O'Donnell <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oregon Bird List <OBOL@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 02 May 2020 05:28:08 -0700

Well I'm up early and was a bit curious about this so I went to xeno-canto to listen to what I thought might be a couple of other possibilities. I searched for American pipit for starters and found no recordings. How is this possible? It's not exactly a very shy or mute bird. When I searched for it using the Latin name, it comes up as the Buff-bellied Pipit. What Gives? Is this an official change that will be reflected in new books and revisions?


Scott O'Donnell

Troy, Wallowa County

Message sent from "The Bird Aquarium".

On 2020-05-01 19:22, Jeff Gilligan wrote:


Their double-noted flight calls are just as you described.

I have detected  the species 3 times in Oregon.  One just over the low
fog at Bandon  in early September (but never seen); one that called as
you described and then landed in front of Owen Schmidt, John Crowell
and me and posed for photos at Little Beach, Gearhart; and
surprisingly, a winter bird that flew past Owen and me near Albany.
Oregon birders should familiarize themselves with the flight calls of
the species.  The best time is early September along the coast, within
sight of the ocean shore.

Jeff Gilligan

On May 1, 2020, at 6:00 PM, DJLauten and KACastelein <deweysage@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

So Kathy and I had a passerine fly over us while on the Snowy Plover nesting area at Coos Bay North Spit yesterday. Heard the bird, and immediately said "what's that?".

Looked up. Nothing. Kept hearing it. No bird, gone to the north.

Wracked brain, not familiar with call. Wrote in notebook and discussed with Kathy. "Sip...........sip........." But a bit more buzzy, metallic-y at the beginning.

Went to Xeno-canto.org to listen to some suspects. Listening to suspect number 1, Eastern Yellow Wagtail......

Pretty much sounded exactly like what flew over yesterday.



Dave Lauten and Kathy Castelein

Bandon OR

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