[obol] Columbia County NAMC is Sunday May 11!

  • From: Hannah Fritz <hannah.fritz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOL <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 08:22:17 -0700

Columbia County's North American Migration Count is a mere 6 days away, and
would love to have volunteers to head out into our picturesque county that

** Sauvie Island -- the best parts of Sauvie Island fall under Columbia
County's jurisdiction, this is a scientific fact. Rare and exotic sparrows
on Rentenaar Rd, the best part of Oak Island Trail, Warrior Rock Lighthouse
trail (Yes, we have a lighthouse. Does Multnomah County? I didn't think

** Scappoose Bottoms/Crown-Zellerbach Trail -- a popular birding hotspot
duo a mere 30 minutes from Portland. Fill your birding weekend with the
melodic songs of American Bittern, or the social antics of Wilson's Snipe.
What other rare open grassland birds might you find? Western Meadowlark?
Dickcissel? Barn Owl? Crested Caracara? You will never know until you try.

** Foothills of the Coast Range -- Do you need higher elevation birds to
round out your spring? Take your pick of secluded trails and logging roads,
bird the Vernonia area. Mountain Quail, Northern Pgymy Owl, Hermit Warbler,
Barred Owl, Gray Jay, Ruffed/Sooty Grouse. They practically fly into your

If you wish to explore further afield, there are many many other productive
areas within this underbirded county, scrunched between the Columbia River
and the Coast Range. I know many NAMCs are on Saturday, so if you've not
had your fill, step over into Columbia County and lend a hand. It's
supposed ot be 3  degrees warmer Sunday than on Saturday. It's a no-brainer.

Email me for information/coordination if you can help out. Or, if you wish
to participate as a feeder counter, that will be valuable data as well!

Hannah Fritz
St. Helens, OR

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