[obol] Birding and bar brawls

  • From: Charlotte Hottmann <kcshottmann@xxxxx>
  • To: obol <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 15:05:37 -0400 (EDT)

Here I am, sitting at my dining room table, taking a break between laundry and 
yardwork, with my ipad in front of me, catching up on the weekend email.  I 
open up the OBOL digest and am innocently reading through the weekend's 
postings, when suddenly, I find myself in the middle of an old Western movie 
set!  Yes! there I am, that innocent, kindly woman seated at a table in the 
back of the saloon(?), when, suddenly, the hero/villain bursts in through the 
swinging doors! The men stand up, shots are fired, fists are flying, and 
someone is thrown onto the table in front of me as I watch it splinter as they 
crash to the floor!

Who knew so much excitement could happen on an innocent Birding list serve???  
;-) ;-)

(Okay, to fit birds into this, so far this morning in my yard I've had a 
Sharp-shinned hawk, White-breasted (or slender-billed?) nuthatches, numerous 
juncos, spotted towhees, white-crowned sparrows, song sparrows, golden-crowned 
sparrows, varied thrush, red-winged blackbirds, acorn woodpeckers, northern 
flickers, yellow-rumped warblers, starlings, scrub jays, black-capped 
chickadees, and I expect to see a few robins, house-finches, and hopefully a 
golden-crowned kinglet when I get back outside.

Whew, that's enough for me today.  I'm going outside to slay weeds, and sever 

Charlotte  ;-)   

One weed seeding means seven years weeding.  That's my motto for today.  ;-)

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  • » [obol] Birding and bar brawls - Charlotte Hottmann