[oakleafsunjgroup] Prayer Requests 9/22/2013

  • From: "Adrianne Johnson" <wranglerchic81@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Adrianne Johnson" <wranglerchic81@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 09:41:57 -0400

Prayer Requests

Holly Muntz

Dad is in the hospital with blood clots in his lungs and leg. Praying that
medication dissolves the clots and the he recovers with no issues.

Tom B. Bandy

Job/ work decisions. Clients I work with who have great needs.

Russell and Ann York

Family member of theirs I know asked for prayer for Russell and Ann. One of
them is in the hospital and the other is at home. Neither of them is doing

Becca Silverthorn

Our friend Hilary Hobbs was killed in a car crash last week as we are also
dealing with the death of our assistant director's mom.  We are also
grieving over the recent loss of a family member.  Prayers would be
appreciated during this dark time.  Thank you.

Tanner Curran

My aunt has been diagnosed with cancer and is receiving treatment.  I just
ask for prayers to help her through these hard times and just keep her in
good spirits.  

Debra Heath

Please pray for my family.  

Kelly Staud

Diana Swan (Kelly's cousin) is in intensive care for heart problems.

Shaleena Hamilton

My family experiences hardship every day.  I pray that God will continue to
let our resources be enough as we continue forward for our children.

Stephen Webb

Pray for my friend Amy Nunn.  She is in pain with her newly diagnosed
Crohn's Disease. Pray for my friend Del White as he is a great man
recovering from a mild stroke.  And pray for my heart to open up to Jesus.

Valerie Dyke

Dale, Valerie's dad, fell while running a race on Saturday. Pray his knee
and all will heal.

Kylie Janusek

My boyfriend's aunt Michelle has been diagnosed with cancer and has begun
her journey on chemo.  Please pray for her to beat this and come out
stronger.  Also, my mom's boss, Ed Abrams has been fighting cancer for
months and is not doing well.  Please pray for them. Thank you!

Barbara Cozby

Chelsi Zimmerman

Cindi Blackstone

.         Brother's kidney is failing.

Update: Brother is doing better but still has some health problems. God got
the kidney to start functioning again.

.         Floyd (Cindi's Uncle) has bladder cancer. Cindi would like to see
him one more time. He lives in DC.

Amy Freeman

Christy McAlpin - Brain tumor, right now she is having severe headaches,
numbness in her hands and feet, and slurring her words. She had a stroke a
few years ago and recovered from it.

Glenn Jordan


Joyce Schoenberg

Kidney problems.

Holly Muntz

Job Situation.

Lois Cline

Husband had a heart attack or stroke. Had a triple bypass done at Redmond.

Update: He had ultra sound and cat scan; looks like it's his gallbladder
that's making him sick, may have to take it out.

Laurie Causey

.         My friend Phil had a chainsaw accident, received 30 stitches, now
has blood clots in his lungs and leg

.          My brother's great granddaughter Mikayla, is 2 yrs. old and is in
pediatric ICU in St Louis in critical condition.

Fanesia Heath

The whole Heath family

Regina Davis was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer,  pray for strength and
healing for her and her family

Rebecca Henry

Michael O'Malley is so stressed at work that he is not eating he is a tall
man but only weighs 120

Lynne Stewart-Dotson

Her battle with cancer

Justin Henry

Career options, what is best for his family's future - Peace about work

All unspoken requests.

Jennah Linskey

.       Changes at work may be difficult

.       Hoping for a needed pay increase

Janice Kelly

.       Crystal - pray for baby she is carrying to be carried to full term
and healthy, her safety

.       Janice's health problems

.       Amy's health problems

Barbara Newton

Daughter and granddaughter

Lisa & Erin

Melanie Mayer

Job decision and job situation.


Job situation

Reagan Cagle

Job situation, right direction

Guest Services



I want to thank you all for your prayers. If you have any prayer requests,
praises, or updates, please let me know. Again Thank you.






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  • » [oakleafsunjgroup] Prayer Requests 9/22/2013 - Adrianne Johnson