[oakleafsunjgroup] Prayer

  • From: <beablessing4@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oakleafsunjgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 10:44:49 -0400

So, Andy and Sheila told me to email when I needed prayer for Marcus…when 
things get bad.  


So, briefly… last night I went into Marcus’ room to investigate why it smelled 
bad in there.  I normally don’t go past the doorway.  He had a lot of dried 
earthworms on his desk…to many to count…(I know this raises a lot of questions 
about why he has worms in his room…his explanation is that he does experiments 
on them.  I told him he is not allowed to bring things inside, so he does not 
have my permission.  This is on top of the worms he had in the freezer a couple 
weeks ago that he lied about and then apologized for.)   He had a lot of snail 
shells…20-30.  (This is just what I noticed in about 2 minutes before I had to 
find him and confront him).  There was some burnt aluminum foil, and an area on 
the carpet about the size of a dinner plate that was burnt.  I just closed on 
this house last August and we moved in September.  


Needless to say, I lost it with him.  I worked too hard to be a homeowner just 
for him to trash it.  Whatever he burnt could have started the house on fire.  
And the best part is that he claims to not remember how he burnt the carpet.  I 
know he is lying.  You don’t have a burn like that and not know what you did.  


I told him if he wants to do experiments on things he needs to go take a 
science class in school, because my house is not a science lab.  


Can you tell I am really fed up?


Thank you for prayers.


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