Re: [nvda-translations] tamil: encoding of nvda.po

  • From: "DINAKAR T.D." <td.dinkar@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nvda-translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 20:20:56 +0530

Thank you Mesar. It works. Henceforth shall save in Poedit.



On 23/01/2012 03:28 PM, Mesar Hameed wrote:
Hi Dinakar,

The poedit app module provides two shortcuts, control+shift+c for
reading translation comments, and control+shift+a for reading
automatically extracted comments. You need to make sure the automatic
comments and comment windows are visible, you can do this from the view
menu of poedit.

The shortcuts are not documented anywhere except on the ticket and
in the code.

Maybe we should open a feature request to make it easy for users to
check if nvda have any additional shortcut keys for the loaded
application. There are other app modules that provide additional
shortcuts that the user needs to be able to discover.

The poedit app module is available in the latest snapshots:
or you can download and put it in your app modules folder from
ticket 1811.

Hope this helps.

On Mon 23/01/12,15:04, DINAKAR T.D. wrote:
Hi Mesar,

Yes. I can use Poedit. But, how to read the instructions to the
translators and whether it is used in Braille or not, etc.?



On 23/01/2012 12:19 PM, Mesar Hameed wrote:
Good Morning,

I think with notepad++ you need to ensure the nvda.po file is saved as
utf8 without bom
each time it is saved/committed.

Now that the poedit app module is included in main, maybe you can play
with poedit and see if it has become easier to use? Poedit ensures that
the po file is always saved in the correct format.

Best wishes.

On Thu 29/12/11,16:06, DINAKAR T.D. wrote:
Dear Mesar,

I am fine. Thank you for fixing the po file. I use both Notepad++ and
Poedit. Notepad++ for translating and Poedit to compile the mo file so
that I can test it.

In future, I shall ensure that the file is not utf8-bom and only utf8.
  The option is in the "encoding" menu in Notepad++.

Thanks again.


On 28/12/2011, Mesar Hameed<mesar.hameed@xxxxxxxxx>   wrote:
Dear Dinakar,

I hope this email finds you in good health.

Today I committed the translation work to nvda bzr, and I noticed that
there is a small issue with ta/nvda.po

It has a utf8-bom at the start of the file, which prevents it from being
correctly updated/merged by the automatic scripts, and would also not work
for nvda.

I have fixed it, but wanted to check with you to prevent it from causing
an unintentional error. I assume you are not using poedit to translate
the nvda.po file, (I think poedit would have complained)?

Maybe you are using notepad++?
If so, when you edit and save nvda.po in the future, can you make sure
please that it has a utf8 encoding without a bom.
I dont have windows here now, but i think the option is in the encoding
submenu in the file menu.
If you cant find it I'm sure one of the team will tell us where it is.

Thank you for your good work.


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