[ntaug] AW 6.5 SystemMessageBox

  • From: "Jerome Davin" <jerome.davin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ntaug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 11:37:47 -0500

I am using the SystemMessageBox variable to confirm the user does indeed
want to quit the application.

I have this in a calc icon:
SystemMessageBox(WindowHandle, "Exit course?", "Confirmation", 33) -- 1=OK,
if xxx = 2 then exit

So basically if they click OK, then Quit() happens, and if they click Cancel
they go back to the CBT.

What variable hold the value of the button clicked (i.e. the 1 or 2 in this

If I am doing this wrong and there is an easier way let me know :)



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