[NTA] FW: [eejfi] EducationNews.org: Failure rate for AP tests climbing

  • From: "Ericsson, Aprille J. (GSFC-5560)" <aprille.j.ericsson@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
  • Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 04:09:52 -0600

Source/credit: EducationNews.org 

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2.5.10 - The number of students taking Advanced Placement tests hit a record 
high last year, but the portion who fail the exams — particularly in the South 
— is rising as well, a USA TODAY analysis finds.


Failure rate for AP tests 

By Jack Gillum<http://www.usatoday.com/community/tags/reporter.aspx?id=252> and 
Greg Toppo<http://www.usatoday.com/community/tags/reporter.aspx?id=232>, USA 

The number of students taking Advanced Placement tests hit a record high last 
year, but the portion who fail the exams — particularly in the South — is 
rising as well, a USA TODAY analysis finds.

Students last year took a record 2.9 million exams through the AP program, 
which challenges high school students with college-level courses. Passing the 
exams (a score of 3 or higher on the point scale of 1 to 5) may earn students 
early college credits, depending on a college's criteria.

The findings about the failure rates raise questions about whether schools are 
pushing millions of students into AP courses without adequate preparation — and 
whether a race for higher standards means schools are not training enough 
teachers to deliver the high-level material.

"The standards don't teach themselves," says Stanford 
 a noted teacher-quality expert who says schools shouldn't treat AP as "another 
silver bullet" that will raise standards and assure academic success.

"You have to build the whole system. You can't just bring in one thing and 
think that it's going to solve everything," she says.

The newspaper's analysis finds that more than two in five students (41.5%) 
earned a failing score of 1 or 2, up from 36.5% in 1999. In the South, a 
Census-defined region that spans from Texas to Delaware, nearly half of all 
tests — 48.4% — earned a 1 or 2, a failure rate up 7 percentage points from a 
decade prior and a statistically significant difference from the rest of the 


 officials say it's misleading to lump all scores together, because some tests 
have vastly different historical pass rates. Scores on AP Physics tests, for 
example, are consistently up; those for AP English Literature are dropping.

The physics success builds through a sequence of courses, says Trevor Packer, a 
College Board vice president who oversees AP. He also says enrollment growth 
means the raw number of students earning passing scores is climbing, even if 
the overall failure rate is up.

Statistical models predicted a rise in failure rates, because students took 
about 1.8 million more AP exams last year than in 1999. Typically, standardized 
test scores fall as more students — many of them with weaker academic records — 
take them.

Once a hallmark of elite, college-bound high schoolers, AP has exploded in the 
past decade because of higher student aspirations as well as efforts by 
reformers to push students into challenging courses. Enrollment has grown from 
about 704,000 students in 1999 to 1.7 million last year.

Data suggest that more students, rewarded by weighted grades and, in some 
cases, cash payments, are taking the bait: 76% of AP students sat for an exam 
last spring, up from 66% in 2000.

Joan Lord of the Southern Regional Education Board says there's more than meets 
the eye to the South's AP results. For instance, while College Board data show 
Arkansas has the USA's highest failure rate (70.3%), she says it has made the 
most progress of any Southern state, boosting participation among seniors from 
11% in 2003 to 33% in 2008. And the percentage of students who passed at least 
one AP exam rose from 6% to 11%.

"We've democratized the test and haven't dropped the scores," Lord says. "We're 


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  • » [NTA] FW: [eejfi] EducationNews.org: Failure rate for AP tests climbing - Ericsson, Aprille J. (GSFC-5560)