[nnasnet] NNAS Picnic

  • From: "Jessica and Paul Servis" <jpsps@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "NNAS" <nnasnet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 08:49:23 -0400

NNAS Annual Picnic, Monday, September 9 Belle Isle State Park
The Northern Neck Audubon Society invites the public to the annual picnic and a 
bird walk on Monday, September 9th at Belle Isle State Park on the Rappahannock 
River in Lancaster County.  There is no parking fee for those who identify 
themselves at the park entrance as Audubon attendees.

The picnic will be held at 5:00 p.m. at Picnic Shelter #1 which is on the left 
beyond the Camp Store and Equestrian Parking lot.  Please bring a dish to share 
- appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert with appropriate serving utensil.  
NNAS will provide soft drinks, water, ice, plates, cups and eating utensils.

The bird walk will be held at 6:30 p.m. and will be lead by Frank Schaff.   
Possible sightings include warblers, vireos, flycatchers, swallows, osprey, 
blue herons and bald eagles.

(NOTE:  The NNAS Board will meet at 4:00 p.m. at Picnic shelter #1. You do not 
have to be a member of the NNAS Board of Directors to attend this meeting.)


From Kilmarnock, take Rt. 3 west to Lively; turn left onto Rt. 201 (White 
Chapel Road); turn right onto Rt. 354 (River Road).  At Rt. 683 (Belle Isle 
Road), turn left and follow the road into the park.  After the gatehouse, 
proceed past the Camp Store and the Equestrian Parking lot to Picnic Shelter #1.

From Warsaw, take Rt. 3 east and travel approximately 14.5 miles.  Turn right 
on Rt. 354 (River Road) and go about 3 miles.   Turn right on Rt. 683 (Belle 
Isle Road).  After the gatehouse, proceed past the Camp Store and the 
Equestrian Parking lot to Picnic Shelter.
Today is the big day !!!!!!!!

NNAS Kicks Off the Year !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

See Below !!!

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