[nnasnet] Re: Fw: Urgent request - Joint letter to DEQ on Fones Cliff

  • From: Leslie <leslie@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nnasnet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 13:29:57 -0400

My letter went out this morning.


On 6/13/2018 11:55 AM, Melissa Gross wrote:

Many of you will get this a second time, and for that I apologize. I was having some email address "Issues...."

Please read the entire letter below, taking note of the highlighted part. If you want to be listed as a signer, or sign a petition, or both, PLEASE CONTACT Joseph McCauley ASAP!

I went ahead and downloaded the letter, edited it a tiny bit, and sent it signed by myself, just to make sure DEQ knows how I feel and they get their mailboxes loaded with input. As an additional FYI,  I am signing on behalf of the Northern Neck Audubon Society.

Thank you all.  The environment can't advocate for itself; WE need to do it.


*From:* Joseph McCauley <jmccauley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Sent:* Monday, June 11, 2018 4:17 PM
*To:* Peggy Sanner; Kathleen Harrigan; RWR Friends; Lawrence Latane; Anne Richardson; Elizabeth Kostelny; mmusaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Desiree Sorenson-Groves; melissagross@xxxxxxxxxxx; Leighton Powell
*Cc:* Joel Dunn; Susan Shingledecker; Jody Couser; Melissa Ehrenreich
*Subject:* Urgent request - Joint letter to DEQ on Fones Cliff
 Dear Friends,

Please see the attached letter.  Chesapeake Conservancy invites you to join us in sending a strong message to Virginia DEQ regarding the significant damage to natural and cultural resources at Fones Cliff.  We are also posting a web-based petition for our supporters to demonstrate their concern for this iconic and threatened feature along the Rappahannock River (also attached).

We respectfully request that you let me know by COB on Thursday, June 14 if

---  you wish to sign on to the letter,
---  you wish to sign on to the petition, or
---  you wish to sign on to both.

I realize that this is a short window in which to respond, but time is of the essence if we are to make our voices heard before DEQ makes decisions on how they will respond to these flagrant violations.  If you decide to send your own letter or develop your own petition, please do so quickly.

Thank you for considering this request.  If I can provide any additional information or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.



Joseph F. McCauley
Chesapeake Fellow
Chesapeake Conservancy
8484 McClellan Rd.
Mechanicsville, VA  23111
Annapolis Office: (443) 261-2388 <tel:%28443%29%20261-2388>
Cell: (804) 514-5136
jmccauley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jcouser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
www.chesapeakeconservancy.org <http://www.chesapeakeconservancy.org/>

Check out our wildlife webcams! We bring the Chesapeake's iconic species to you! Great Blue Herons <http://chesapeakeconservancy.org/explore/wildlife-webcams/great-blue-heron/>, Peregrine Falcons <http://chesapeakeconservancy.org/explore/wildlife-webcams/peregrine-falcon/> and Osprey <http://chesapeakeconservancy.org/explore/wildlife-webcams/osprey/>.


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