[nim-dev] Re: Nimble 0.7.0 is now out!

  • From: ThePythonicCow <pj@xxxxxxx>
  • To: nim-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2016 13:02:12 +0000

I've just begun learning nim ... I have "Nim Compiler Version 0.12.0
(2016-01-16) [Linux: amd64]"
installed and working on my Debian Linux system, using the "Installation from
github" instructions
on http://nim-lang.org/download.html.

Now I am trying to install nimble, by the instructions at

I see where it says I need some more recent version of nim than the 0.12.0 that
I have, but
I have no clue how to get any such newer version.

When I get to the "nim c -r src/nimble install" step, it fails, after doing a
fair bit of
reasonable looking processing and compilation, with the error:

my_nim_subtree/nimble/src/nimblepkg/nimscriptsupport.nim(290, 20) Error:
undeclared identifier: 'getModule'

How can I get nimble installed?

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