[ncolug] Bylaws

  • From: Henry Keultjes <hbkeultjes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: NCOLUG <ncolug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 21:16:18 -0500


Vance did the interview part of http://www.ncolug.org/ppc.htm

Henry Keultjes

PS: The move to eliminate 419-571-9127 has been set in motion. When that number doesn't work anymore, start using 419-525-1111 or call me at home 4189-756-0527

Vance Kochenderfer wrote:

Hello folks-

I happened to be running a search for "wplug bylaws" and found
that you guys were adapting the new bylaws we wrote to your LUG.
If anyone is interested, you can find the wiki we used during
the process at <http://wplug2.pghfree.net/tiki-index.php>, and
the archive of our mailing list at

There's nothing wrong with copying another group's bylaws, but
you should be sure you understand them, and make changes where
necessary.  I chaired the committee that drafted the bylaws, so
I've learned more about Robert's rules than I ever thought
possible.  E-mail me directly (I'm not subscribed to the list)
with any questions.

Good luck,

Vance Kochenderfer        |  "Get me out of these ropes and into a
vkochend@xxxxxxx          |   good belt of Scotch"    -Nick Danger

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