[nasional_list] [ppiindia] Re: Mewaspadai Kelaparan - Lima Negara Sumbang 80% Produksi Biofuel Dunia

  • From: A Nizami <nizaminz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: LISI@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ekonomi-nasional@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 21:18:18 -0700 (PDT)

** Forum Nasional Indonesia PPI India Mailing List **
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** Beasiswa dalam negeri dan luar negeri S1 S2 S3 dan post-doctoral 
scholarship, kunjungi 
http://informasi-beasiswa.blogspot.com **Mas Asep, saya hanya ingin agar kita 
Jangan sampai gara2 kita terlampau berlebihan melancarkan gerakan biofuel, 
akhirnya tanah untuk makanan justru berkurang. Akhirnya rakyat kita mati 
kelaparan. Justru ini yang tidak Islami dan juga tidak manusiawi...:). 

Tak heran jika PBB menyatakan lebih banyak Biofuel adalah kejahatan terhadap 

Bagaimana pun juga luas tanah Indonesia itu tetap sementara jumlah penduduk 
terus bertambah. Silahkan cek:

Luas tanah kita hanya 1,9 juta km2 sementara jumlah penduduk (estimasi 
Wikipedia Juli 2007) 234 juta lebih. Di Kompas diperkirakan tahun 2015 jumlah 
penduduk Indonesia mencapai 250 juta. Artinya rakyat butuh tanah untuk rumah 
dan pertanian/perkebunan untuk makanan.

Luas tanah tidak akan bertambah, sementara kebutuhan makan dan energi akan 
terus bertambah. Jadi kurang bijak jika hanya gencar melakukan biofuel tanpa 
berusaha mencari sumber energi yg dapat diperbarui seperti matahari, angin, dan 

Indonesia adalah negara tropis beriklim panas di mana sinar matahari hampir 
selalu ada (hutan kita kan sudah banyak yang gundul). Jika negara subtropis 
macam AS saja memikirkan energi sinar matahari, kenapa kita tidak?

AS dengan luas wilayah 9,8 juta km2 (5 x lipat lebih luas wilayah RI) masih 
berhati2 dalam masalah biofuel. Harusnya kita yang wilayahnya jauh lebih kecil 
lebih hati2 lagi.

Dari berita Business Week, harga jagung naik 2 x lipat karena program biofuel. 
Untuk memproduksi 5 milyar galon ethanol diperlukan 1/5 ladang jagung yang ada. 
Ini baru sebagian kecil dari kebutuhan BBM di AS yang sebagian besar masih 
memakai minyak biasa. Bayangkan kalau semua kebutuhan BBM disupply oleh Biofuel.

Negara Brasil yang anda banggakan dengan program Biofuelnya, saat ini menderita 
kelaparan karena kekurangan makanan. Anda ingin rakyat Indonesia kelaparan 
seperti di Brazil hanya karena tanah untuk menghasilkan makanan dirubah untuk 
menghasilkan minyak?

Saat ini saja harga minyak Biofuel lebih mahal dari BBM biasa. Kalau dipaksakan 
harga minyak naik dan harga makanan juga akan naik. Jika lahan untuk biofuel 
mengambil alih lahan untuk makanan, harga makanan akan lebih naik lagi dan 
makanan semakin langka. Ini bisa berakibat kelaparan. Ingat luas tanah juga 
tidak akan bertambah. Justru lahan untuk makanan dan minyak berkurang karena 
jumlah manusia bertambah dan mereka butuh lebih banyak lahan untuk rumah dan 
juga makanan.

Jadi sebaiknya dipikirkan berbagai alternatif sumber energi selain biofuel.


Greg Boerboom raises
37,000 pigs a year on his farm in Marshall, Minn. Those hogs eat a lot
of corn?10 bushels each from weaning to sale. In past years he has
bought feed for about $2 a bushel. But since late summer, average corn
prices have leapt to nearly $4 a bushel.

The roughly 5 billion
gallons of ethanol made in 2006 by 112 U.S. plants consumed nearly
one-fifth of the corn crop. If all the scores of factories under
construction or planned go into operation, fuel will gobble up no less
than half of the entire corn harvest by 2008.
Menurut perhitungan Lembaga Demografi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, 
jumlah penduduk tahun 2015 saja diperkirakan mencapai 250 juta jiwa. ...

                     UN: More Biofuel Would be ?Crime Against Humanity?         

        Posted by GasMan on October 26, 2007                          10/26 
11:41 CDT UN food expert seeks 5-year moratorium on biofuels

    By Claudia Parsons

 UNITED NATIONS, Oct 26 (Reuters) - The United Nations Special
Rapporteur on the right to food called on Friday for a five-year
moratorium on biofuels, saying it was a ?crime against humanity? to
convert food crops to fuel.

 Biofuels are driving up food prices at a time when there are 854
million hungry people in the world and every five seconds a child under
10 dies from hunger or disease related to malnutrition, Jean Ziegler

 Fears over climate change have boosted the demand for alternative
fuels, but the rise of biofuel has been criticized by some who say it
squeezes land needed for food.

Artikel tentang kelaparan di Brazil:
"Tobin Tax, Minimum Income and the Eradication of Famine in Brazil". Silver, 
Hilary (Brown University, Providence, USA) "Social Insecurity and Basic Income" 
World Bank Search ResultsSecurityClassification. Public. Title. Lula Embarks on 
Drive to Eradicate Famine in Brazil. Format. Text/HTML. Editors. NEWS_LOCAL, 

IATP | Trade Observatory | Headlines... 2003 Sao Paulo--President Luiz Inácio 
Lula da Silva on Thursday launched an ambitious campaign to eradicate famine in 
Brazil, his first big policy ...


Saat ini ada kelompok yang ingin menghapus hukuman mati bagi pembunuh sadis. 
Padahal hukuman mati (qishash) diwajibkan dalam Islam.
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu qishaash (hukum mati) 
berkenaan dengan orang-orang yang dibunuh..[Al Baqarah:178]  
Bagi yang ingin menegakkan ajaran Islam (hukum Qishash) luangkan 1 menit waktu 
anda untuk mengklik:
Dan klik tombol "Sign the Pro dan Setuju Hukuman Mati"

----- Original Message ----
From: asep suntana <asuntana@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ekonomi-nasional@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; lisi 
<lisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; sabili <sabili@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: rimbawan-interaktif@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 9:29:56 AM
Subject: [LISI] RE: Mewaspadai Kelaparan - Re: [ekonomi-nasional] Lima Negara 
Sumbang 80% Produksi Biofuel Dunia


            Bung Nizami:

Model perumpamaan sederhana yang Bung tulis (perlu luasan lahan segitu

banyak untuk keperluan energi 225.5 juta penduduk Indonesia (UNFPA 2006))

sangat kurang eunak didengar dan dibaca.

Juga tidak betul, kalau Indonesia hanya akan menyandarkan energi pada sector

pertanian/perkebuna n.

Terdapat banyak pilihan; sektor kehutanan misalnya dapat menyumbang energi

luar biasa pada masyarakat lokal dan masyarakat adat yang "jauh dari sungai,

tidak dialiri angin kencang, atau sulit memperoleh sinar matahari yang


Hutan pun tidak perlu dibabat, yang diperlukan adalah dikelola dengan

prinsip "ecosystem management", misalnya. Ada banyak pendekatan dan

teknologi untuk sediaan bio-energi bagi masyarakat yang murah, tidak

membahayakan (note: kayu bakar dituduh sebagai "the silent killer" bagi para

wanita dan anak-anak di pedesaan), dan dapat dilakukan sendiri oleh


Pandangan Bung yang sering-sering 'negatif' atas inovasi dan invensi akan

kontra produktif dengan pengembangan masyarakat madani; pandangan Bung juga

agak berjarak dengan semangat Islam yang menggairahkan.

Saya tilik, pandangan Bung "mirip" dengan pandangan petinggi PBB dan para

aktifis dan pejabat publik di Amerika Serikat.

Pandangan ini aneh, ketika sebagian besar aktifis bio-energi dan lingkungan

"tercengang" dengan kesiapan Brazil untuk mandiri dari segi energi dan lepas

dari kungkungan "politik kotor" energi fosil.

Brazil tidak peduli jika harga minyak sampai US 100/barel; mereka punya

alternatif energi yang "mensejahterakan" masyarakatnya.

Amrik yang "gagak perkasa" saja merasa perlu belajar terbungkuk-bungkuk ke


Kok kita malah berasumsi yang tidak-tidak. ..




-----Original Message-----

From: ekonomi-nasional@ yahoogroups. com

[mailto:ekonomi-nasional@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of A Nizami

Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 8:45 AM

To: ekonomi-nasional@ yahoogroups. com; ppiindia@yahoogroup s.com; lisi; sabili

Subject: Mewaspadai Kelaparan - Re: [ekonomi-nasional] Lima Negara Sumbang

80% Produksi Biofuel Dunia

Ada beberapa kelompok (termasuk presiden Kuba Fidel Castro) yang

mengkhawatirkan bahwa program Biofuel akan mengakibatkan kelaparan di negara

dunia ketiga.

Untuk menghasilkan biofuel (bahan bakar) untuk 240 juta penduduk Indonesia

diperlukan luas lahan perkebunan yang sama dengan luas lahan

pertanian/perkebuna n untuk makanan.

Pada saat ini saja Indonesia kekurangan beras dan sering impor. Jika

sebagian lahan dirubah untuk menghasilkan bensin, maka lahan untuk makanan

berkurang. Wabah kelaparan bisa melanda Indonesia. Jika menambah lahan baru,

artinya hutan harus ditebang untuk dijadikan perkebunan Biofuel.

Di luar negeri biofuel ini jadi dilema, food or fuel? Lahan untuk makanan

atau BBM? Perlu dicari alternatif energi lain seperti renewable energy

(energi yang dapat diperbarui) seperti matahari, air, angin, dsb.


Saat ini ada kelompok yang ingin menghapus hukuman mati bagi pembunuh sadis.

Padahal hukuman mati (qishash) diwajibkan dalam Islam.

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu qishaash (hukum mati)

berkenaan dengan orang-orang yang dibunuh..[Al Baqarah:178] 

Bagi yang ingin menegakkan ajaran Islam (hukum Qishash) luangkan 1 menit

waktu anda untuk mengklik:

http://www.petition <http://www.petition online.com/ promati>


Dan klik tombol "Sign the Pro dan Setuju Hukuman Mati"

----- Original Message ----

From: Hizbullah <hizbul@gmail. <mailto:hizbul% 40gmail.com> com>

To: penahijau@yahoogrou <mailto:penahijau% 40yahoogroups. com> ps.com;

ekonomi-nasional@ <mailto:ekonomi- nasional% 40yahoogroups. com>

yahoogroups. com

Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 8:11:15 AM

Subject: [ekonomi-nasional] Lima Negara Sumbang 80% Produksi Biofuel Dunia

Indonesia bersama Malaysia memiliki potensi untuk menjadi produsen biofuel

terbesar di dunia. Namun negara-negara Eropa telah mengurangi pembelian

biofuel dari Indonesia karena khawatir kerusakan hutan hujan tropis.

Saat harga bahan bakar fossil terus melambung, mampukah Indonesia

memaksimalkan potensi biofuel di dalam negeri untuk menyejahterakan petani

sekaligus menghilangkan kekhawatiran dari negara-negara Eropa? Sementara,

saat ini penggundulan hutan dan pencurian kayu masih terus berlangsung.



"EU countries have already

dampened their excitement about biodiesel from countries such as

Malaysia and Indonesia because of concerns about extreme rain-forest

loss. "

Environmental Science & Technology

October 24, 2007

http://pubs. acs.org/subscrib e/journals/ esthag-w/ 2007/oct/ tech/nl_biod


Biodiesel snapshot

A global comparison of nations' potential to produce biodiesel may

reveal future leaders in the market.


An analysis of the world's potential to produce biodiesel shows that

several countries are poised to take advantage of high oil and gas

prices by providing vegetable oil feedstocks for biofuels. But the

new assessment, published in ES&T (DOI: 10.1021/es062459k) ,

underscores that environmental impacts lurk behind large-scale

adoption of biofuels and suggests that biodiesel may be able to

contribute little to future gasoline needs.

Matt Johnston and Tracey Holloway of the Center for Sustainability

and the Global Environment (SAGE) at the University of Wisconsin

Madison looked for "the best combination of high volumes and low

production costs" to predict future biofuel leaders, they write in

their paper. They started with data from the UN Food and Agricultural

Organization and its statistics division, to which nations

voluntarily report their sales of biodiesel or the vegetable

feedstocks that can be used to make it.

The researchers ranked countries that might come out on top in the

global biodiesel market in the near future, according to their

ability to expand large-scale production quickly. Malaysia,

Indonesia, Argentina, the U.S., and Brazil currently account for 80%

of total global production potential. Of the 119 countries

considered, these nations produce the most palm and soybean oils.

But in the end, the authors conclude that other countries could

compete by producing feedstocks from animal fats and coconut,

rapeseed, sunflower, and olive oils; these oils have lower fuel

efficiency, but the crops have room to expand agriculturally.

Overall, the researchers peg Malaysia, Thailand, Colombia, Uruguay,

and Ghana as countries with the most potential for investment and

growth in biodiesel production, in part because these countries are

perceived as being safer physically and financially for international

business investments and desiring of more employment opportunities

for their citizens.

Johnston emphasizes that this report is the first "to look at the

global level and compare [nations' potential] on equal footing,"

instead of individually or at regional scales. In the end, he says,

"predetermining supply will come from where demand is greatest"-in

the EU and the U.S., which could import much of the biodiesel coming

to market. These regions are least likely to feel environmental

effects and food market pricing shifts because the crops will be

grown elsewhere.

Although prices and profits for fuels and food will change, "we don't

want to predict impacts on the global food market just yet," Johnston

comments. But as fuel prices rise, he and others say, farmers will

push farther into virgin forest in places like Brazil and Indonesia,

destroying ecosystems and negating biofuels' potential greenhouse gas

reductions by reducing carbon storage.

More complete databases that include additional data sources, which

could provide a slightly different view, will be posted on SAGE's

website this fall, says Dan Kammen of the University of California

Berkeley. Kammen, who was one of Holloway's graduate advisers, says

that "we have little experience with a global biofuel market, and

examining what impacts it has in developed versus developing nations

may take some time." Kammen observes that EU countries have already

dampened their excitement about biodiesel from countries such as

Malaysia and Indonesia because of concerns about extreme rain-forest

loss. "The next piece of the story," Kammen says, is to ask, "What

does it mean to be a sustainable crop?" and how to measure


The authors confirm previous calculations that improvements in

production efficiency-from processing to agricultural practices-could

increase biodiesel production by an order of magnitude. But critics

say that even bigger production volume jumps would be necessary to

make biodiesel worth the effort.

The researchers calculate that the current potential for world

biodiesel production, according to technological capacity, is 51

billion liters (L), and that at current gasoline prices, market

forces could bring the economic potential production to 47 billion L.

But current global consumption of diesel hovers around 1.3 trillion

L, says Nathanael Greene, an energy expert at the Natural Resources

Defense Council, a nonprofit environmental advocacy group. "If we

take all of the international lipids [available], that's about 4% of

our total consumption of diesel," Greene notes. "It just isn't a

technology that scales to a level where it can make a big difference."


============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ===

"Financial collapses have an unmatched capacity for projecting their effects

across the domestic economy, and in the worst cases far beyond that, across

the region and even across the world."

"Banks are intrinsically fragile entities, which is why, historically, they

have invested so much in the pretense of security and solidity."

"Access to more capital makes bigger crises feasible: every now and then,

somewhere in the world, one is going to happen.

"Is this because the same mistakes are made again and again, or is each

crisis unique? The answer is yes to both : each crisis is unique, and the

same mistakes are made again and again."

"While a bubble is inflating, reckless lending seems merely bold, and

appropriately well-rewarded. Deteriorating credit quality is easy to conceal

so long as the price of property and other assets offered as collateral is

going up. The growth in lending fuels demand, so economic growth stays high

as well. That reinforces the government's reputation for competence, so the

boom continues."

The Economist, "A cruel sea of capital : A survey of global finance," May

3rd, 2003.

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ====


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  • » [nasional_list] [ppiindia] Re: Mewaspadai Kelaparan - Lima Negara Sumbang 80% Produksi Biofuel Dunia